Pandemic Diary – May 4 to 10

Monday, May 4

Statewide: 109 deaths, 2759 cases, 63,443 tested  (Deaths: +0) (Cases: +79)

The second day in a row with no reported COVID deaths in Oregon. The case number total, however, is up by 79. OHA notes that this total includes both confirmed and presumptive cases. In their words: “Presumptive cases are those without a positive diagnostic test who present COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a confirmed case.”

Made an excursion today to McDowell Creek Park north of Sweet Home. M’s iPhone reports 1.6 miles of walking and 16 flights climbed; E took an alternate route on the way down and logged considerably more. The volume of water coming over the various waterfalls was lower than when we visited in February, but still sufficient to make for lovely scenes. Had a picnic lunch prepared especially for us by McDonald’s of Lebanon.

Tuesday, May 5

Statewide: 113 deaths, 2,839 cases, 65,402 tested  (Deaths: +4) (Cases: +80)

Here’s a homemade graph of Oregon deaths, based on the data here in the Pandemic Diary so far. 

Wednesday, May 6

Statewide: 115 deaths, 2,916 cases, 67,947 tested  (Deaths: +2) (Cases: +57)

So far the COVID story in Oregon shows a strong urban/rural divide. Of Oregon’s 36 counties, 24 have reported 0 deaths from COVID. In three of the 24, the number of confirmed cases is also zero; in five others the number of cases is one. These are rural counties with low populations. Will they continue to be spared? Or is the virus just taking longer to arrive? We shall see. Meanwhile, let’s just imagine we live in a community where the case numbers are minimal and no one has died. Would we be pleased and relieved that the governor had ordered a lockdown? Some of us maybe, but that’s asking a lot. In general, I expect that we would simply be confirmed in our suspicions that those people in Salem and Portland are all knuckleheads and thank god we don’t live over there. 

Thursday, May 7

Statewide: 115 deaths, 2,916 cases, 67,947 tested  (Deaths: +2) (Cases: +57)

E organized a Zoom meeting with Jim, Joann and John. Nice! Joann really wants us to come and visit them. The pandemic does not seem to be part of her world.

Lunch from Burgerville today. Long line at the drive-up. Tomorrow’s breakfast from Le Patissier has been ordered. 

Watched two episodes of our Turkish soap last night. Elif and Ömer slept together again (finally!) and now spend a lot to time making goo-goo eyes at each other and not advancing the plot at all. But the new characters, Elif’s wealthy aunt, Nedret, and Ömer’s old girlfriend, İpek, are beginning to make their presence felt. İpek has been transferred into Ömer’s department and Elif has met her, but no one has informed Elif that the two have a history. Ooh.  

Friday, May 8

Statewide: 124 deaths, 3,032 cases, 72,657 tested  (Deaths: +3) (Cases: +43)

Several excursions today.  E went out early to fetch croissants from Le Patissier. We had them with a couple of giant strawberries that arrived last night, a Mother’s Day present from the Andees. Thus fortified, M went out grocery shopping. Then at about 11:00 the two of us made an expedition to Home Depot to get a bit of wire fencing for E’s front corner garden. Lots of traffic on the roads by then and when we got to Home Depot, the parking lot was more crowded than we had ever seen. They’re limiting how many people can be in the store at any one time, so there was a long line of people waiting outside. The beautiful weather had something to do with it. But there may have been psychological reasons as well, a feeling that somehow we have turned the corner on the pandemic. We decided to abort and try again after lunch. A few hours later the line outside was shorter and moved quickly. But they had no fencing of the type wanted! So we kept our masks on and tried the Wilco farm store just down the road. Success!

Social hour with B and B in the afternoon at their new place. We felt some trepidation. Of all our friends they seemed a bit less concerned with taking precautions. But who can say no to the B’s? It was fine, we hope. 

The news from Kara Para Aşk, is that İpek has been shot! But she is expected to recover and she managed to disrupt the ambush meant to kill Arda. Elif is worried that Ömer might be feeling a little too much sympathy for İpek. Meanwhile, Ömer is beginning to face the awful truth about his brother Hüseyin.  

Saturday, May 9

Statewide: 127 deaths, 3,160 cases, 74,541 tested  (Deaths: +3) (Cases: +128)

Although Oregon COVID deaths are still low and the curve is flat, the latest numbers do show a one-day spike in number of new cases. 

We had a busy Saturday morning, mostly doing garden work, but M also washed the Boxster and then remounted the kitchen can opener, which had fallen off the wall during a battle with a can of sauerkraut.

The big news, though, is that we have purchased a John Deere tractor. Given the size of our yard, this was almost a necessity. Almost.

Sunday, May 10

Statewide: 127 deaths, 3,228 cases, 75,450 tested  (Deaths: +0) (Cases: +68)

Mothers Day, 2020 and Eve celebrates by having an almond paste croissant and a giant strawberry for breakfast. Then she mows the lawn. After lunch a small box of Burst’s chocolates comes out of quarantine. It had been self isolating for three days to prepare for this occasion. 

Nedret continues her clever campaign to prevent Elif from marrying Ömer. She has learned that Ömer could be the father of İpek’s child! Yikes. You can see the wheels spinning as she plans how to use this information for maximum impact.

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