Monday, December 21 Deaths 1,347 (+6) New cases 846
It’s the 270th day of Pandemic Diary record keeping, time for another chart update.

The number of deaths per day in the most recent 10-day period it was 21.1. The trend is still upward, but the increase is noticeably less steep than it was in the previous thirty days. In terms of COVID deaths per 100,000 residents, Oregon’s rate is now 31.3.
Tuesday, December 22 Deaths 1,382 (+35) New cases 1,282
We packed a lunch and went up into the Cascades today. We didn’t know exactly what we would find, so we thought of it as a hike and/or a snowshoe walk, which is pretty much what it turned out to be. We went to a place called Lost Prairie, which is just the other side of Tombstone Pass. It’s closer to us than other sites, but generally has less snow than the really good places, especially this early in the season. For that reason we hadn’t been there in years.

A highlight of the hike was this little out-of-the-way café we found. We dined on turkey sandwiches, chips and juice, followed by hot coffee, a bit of chocolate and a small scotch poured over very small rocks. To lend atmosphere, a light snow came and went during our meal. During our first course it came down in tiny dry grains, a bit like hail. Later on we got small delicate flakes. Not a hint of wind, which helped keep us comfortable.
Wednesday, December 23 Deaths 1,403 (+21) New cases 1,000
We had our Turkish lesson today (Christmas Eve Eve) and reviewed what in English would be called gerunds and infinitives in before/after clauses. The teach gave this example: “After learning grammar, understanding is easy.” “Dilbilgisini oğrendikten sonra anlamak kolay.” I know it sounds like teacher propaganda, but it’s more or less true. Even people who hate and fear grammar and who are convinced that their grammar is terrible–even those people–have in fact learned all of the really important grammar points if only through natural absorption, which they didn’t notice at the time.
We got another Christmas card with a short letter. Toward the end of the letter our correspondent noted that
My cat, Bootsy, went to Kitty Heaven last March. 11 years old. He bit R really bad, tore skin off of wrist and arm. R feared him. Also nipped at 2 friends who were trying to play with him. I miss him, but it was necessary.
No boasting about great trips and awesome accomplishments, and yet this writer never whines or complains either. A national treasure.
Speaking of treasures, E made chocolate peanut butter squares. She makes them just like chocolate peanut butter balls except that she doesn’t waste time making the silly shapes. Just whips ‘em right up in time for dinner. Yum.
Thursday, December 24 Deaths 1,415 (+12) New cases 871
Last minute trip to the grocery store to pick up salmon, etc. Yuck. Busy. E went to visit with PF in the afternoon. They sat outside for a bit. P seems to be doing well. M checked air pressure in the tires on the car that we don’t use. Right rear was low, just as the dash warning claimed. Then it was time to make pecan pie. M made a crust, E made the filling, leaving M to monitor doneness. It looks pretty good. M’s night to make dinner: fondue, french bread and a green salad. After dinner we tried to watch the new Dolly Parton movie. Sigh. Good message, but too much singing of too sappy lyrics.
Friday, December 25 Deaths 1,422 (+7) New cases 908
Christmas itself is upon us. We breakfasted on scrambled eggs paired with a raspberry coffeecake. And of course we had stockings and presents. E got a couple of maple sugar snowmen and M got a Lego Ferrari. At elevenish we set off for Salem where we met up with the Andees at K and J’s house to exchange presents with them. C and her new beau were also there. They all came out to meet us and we talked for bit in the front yard. It was wonderful to see all of them. M noted later that there was a strong Becca thread running through the gathering–a mother, a sister, and two good friends. After our visit, we took the freeway south and stopped at the Ankeny Wildlife Refuge to walk through the ash wetland. We wondered if it would be crowded or not. (Christmas is national bird counting day.) But as it happened, we had the place all to ourselves–possibly because it was raining and the temperature was around 37 degrees. We walked to the end of the boardwalk and back–at a fairly brisk pace–and then ate our lunch in the car with the heater on. Nice.

Back at home E had a phone call with her brothers and a little later we did a Zoom meeting with the Andees to watch each other open presents. This was followed by a light but very delicious champagne and salmon dinner followed by a very delicious not so light serving of pecan pie.
Also today, the OHA reported that a total of 17,130 Oregonians have received COVID-19 first vaccinations, all of them hospital workers or people in long-term care facilities.
OHA also reports daily test numbers and daily new cases confirmed. Results for the past seven days are shown below.
Daily tests | Daily new cases | Rate | |
Saturday 12/19 | 21,708 | 1,542 | 7.10% |
Sunday 12/20 | 17,426 | 1,153 | 6.62% |
Monday 12/21 | 17,506 | 846 | 4.83% |
Tuesday 12/22 | 18,993 | 1,282 | 6.75% |
Wednesday 12/23 | 26,459 | 1,000 | 3.78% |
Thursday 12/24 | 19,586 | 871 | 4.45% |
Friday 12/25 | 25,892 | 908 | 3.51% |
weekly average | 21,081 | 1,086 | 5.29% |
Saturday, December 26 Deaths 1,422 (+0) New cases 612
A quiet day on several fronts. No COVID deaths reported, which is a nice Christmas gift. One thing we have to say about this Pandemic Diary idea, it does get depressing when the news is bad. So let’s celebrate for just a moment.
We’re mostly just cleaning up and resting, though E is still doing Christmas related correspondence both on paper and via the great web.
Sunday, December 27 Deaths 1,427 (+5) New cases 1,416
A sunny day drew M out to work in the yard. The temperature was in the low forties, good conditions for sod turning. E got the house ready for another visit from Pepper, whose owner is going in tomorrow for her second cataract surgery. Then at 3:00 we had a Zoom call with Jim and John, with the Andees dropping in as well. Technical difficulties delayed the start of the meeting slightly, but by 3:40 we were doing pretty good… We ended at 4:00 so as to give E time to go out to the country and pick up the dog before it got dark.