Meandering on the Way — July 6-14, 2023

Thursday, July 6

E made a lemon meringue pie today, which is a fairly laborious process. Plus, she had to be especially careful because she was presenting the pie at a meeting of the LMPS–the Lemon Meringue Pie Society. It goes without saying that society members are experienced with all manner of pies. And they can be somewhat particular, especially about lemon meringue. More than one local baker has disappointed them in one respect or another. (And alas, their favorite bakery–Taylor Street Ovens–shut down a year ago.)

E’s first step was to look around for someone to make her a crust, as she really didn’t want to do that part. Fortunately M likes to make pie crust. (He always mixes up a little too much so he can eat some of it raw.) So M provided a shell and E took it from there.

Here’s a picture of the group just as the meeting was coming to order. From left to right: L, H, E, B and A. Sixth member T (aka N) took the picture.

We are happy to report that the pie was well received.

Friday, July 7

M has started writing a memoir about his childhood in Utah in the fifties and sixties. He also caught up on Season 3 of The Witcher.

Saturday, July 8

At 11:00 E took Spanish Pisto Manchego to her yoga class potluck. The potluck was a joyous occasion because it was the first time the group had gathered in person since the onset of the Pandemic. In fact some of the members had never seen each other in the flesh as the class started on ZOOM during the pandemic. We are all grateful to our teacher L for providing the class through thick and thin.

We had dinner with B and B at Ba’s in Albany. Before dinner we stopped off at their place for cocktails. They also gave us beets and a zucchini from their garden. And they’ve already harvested potatoes.

Sunday, July 9

Raspberry jam day! Berry season is upon us already. E got a flat and made two batches of jam. M has started reading an actual book from E’s book club: A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki.

Monday, July 10

M had some dental work today and must have a soft diet for the next little while. E took a long walk in the forest and got a good recording of a Western Tanager. She really wishes she could spot one in the forest, as they are beautiful birds. But, alas, they are heard and not seen. Later she went out–and because she is an angel–she got M a chocolate shake from Burgerville. She also brought home a raspberry shake, which of course M couldn’t eat because of the seeds. E is certain that she hadn’t planned to get two shakes; somehow it just happened. She also pureed some leftover pisto for M.

Tuesday, July 11

E had another in-person Better Bones and Balance class. She says she likes the teacher very much in spite of the fact that the workouts are strenuous. M went for a long ride over Tombstone Pass in the Jaguar and also worked on arrangements for our trip to Boise and points south, which is coming up. We’ve had lovely weather this week.

Speaking of weather, E checked in with her niece J who lives in Vermont. J sent along these photos.

J lives on the top of a hill, so so she was above the flood…
…but all roads to town were blocked.
And then there was the matter of the poor turtle that took refuge in her driveway.

In the evening, E attended a meeting of the Knitting and Non-Knitting club made up of former ELI colleagues. E enjoyed catching up with people and doing a bit of work on her much neglected embroidery project.

Wednesday, July 12

We had coffee today with the daughter of our friends Rick and Gypsy, who both recently passed on within a year of one another. It was nice to hear about her doings. She has a son about to enter high school and twin daughters about to enter fifth grade.

Thursday, July 13

E had a medical appointment in Portland today. She is pursuing the dream of saying goodbye to the CPAP machine. The appointment went well and she found out more about an implant that can correct sleep apnea. It’s a multi-step process, however, and the big question is whether it would be covered by insurance. She now awaits follow up information from the medical provider. E thinks this was a very pleasant type of doctor visit: no clothing is removed, no pain involved and best of all, they don’t weigh you!

Friday, July 14

M had to rethink and rearrange some parts of our upcoming trip. Why now? At this late date? Could it be because he didn’t do it right the first time? Naw, that would be impossible…

Anyway we leave tomorrow, flying to Boise for some reason or other. We hope we remember what the reason is when we get there.

One Reply to “Meandering on the Way — July 6-14, 2023”

  1. ahh lemon meringue pie. one of my favorites to make. As many hundreds of them that i’ve made, i still get the little beads on the meringue despite trying every trick in the book. however, the filling makes up for the little decorations on the meringue!
    I get to try making fougasse this week–asked for by the food magazine i do some volunteer work for. Have you ever had it?
    So sorry about J’s flooding..its bad here, too..on my way home from a horse show 2 weekends ago they were closing roads faster that i could get to the next one..i found one detour and it “felt funny”–cant explain it..but i moved to the center of the road and sped up..when i looked in my rear mirror the road was literally falling away on the sides…like an indiana jones movie or something!!
    I hope your trip to boise is fun!!

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