Meandering on the Way — Oct. 30 to Nov. 6

Monday, October 30th

We went up to Vancouver, WA for a formal cake tasting arranged by A.

Out of six cakes, tasters showed greatest enthusiasm for white, chocolate, white chocolate, and red velvet. Banana and pink champagne trailed the field. Among the fillings, marionberry, raspberry and chocolate fudge led the way; the lemon was disappointing.

Tuesday, October 31st

We had quite a number of treat seekers at our house, several dozen all told. It looked like at least one out-of-neighborhood car brought kids to our area, possibly attracted by our neighbor’s display across the street.

Wednesday, November 1st

E grabbed this backyard photo when we had a few minutes of sun.

We put in our flame maple almost exactly three years ago. Back then it was small enough to fit in the back of the car– and its leaves were green.

Thursday, November 2nd

Here’s how E has been showing up for Zoom sessions lately…

Participant in Laughter Yoga class

Sunday, November 5th

This morning the forecast called for a three hour pause in the rain. We took the opportunity to drive down to the Finley Wildlife Reserve and hike the Mill Hill Loop.

The Mill Hill Loop starts in an oak forest…
…and continues into a area that’s mostly fir.
The reserve is bounded on three sides by agricultural land. The light green in the background here is a grass seed field.

By mid-afternoon the rain had returned, but by then we were safe inside.

Monday, November 6th

Grocery shopping and yoga today. (Yoga of the non-laughing kind.) M worked a little on his memoir. He’s writing about college days now. He says that this sort of work has advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that when he starts writing certain things down he remembers certain other things, some of them quite nice. Also, some of his remembered failures don’t look quite so bad when examined in detail. So that’s fine. On the other hand, to the extent that he gets lost in the past, he misses out on the present. He doesn’t actually wander around bumping into walls, but it’s close…as E has noticed.

We had a hard frost ten days ago, but since then it’s been warmer and wetter. So we still have a few flowers blooming in the rain. Between showers, E goes out back and rescues them..

November roses.

3 Replies to “Meandering on the Way — Oct. 30 to Nov. 6”

  1. You kids are so full of adventure! Cake tasting, frequent hikes (I’d companion you if I lived closer!), yoga masked (fun masks, not the ‘other’ kind), flaming trees and so much more. And sign me up for your memoir Michael- a signed one, when it’s done! Love reading your meandering adventures. Happy November to you both! 🥰

  2. As devoted readers have come to expect, another lovely installment – hikes, flora, events, hints of literary gems in process. The flaming maple was a favorite; Eve’s latest zoom outfit much less so.
    But where was the burning effigy of Guy Fawkes on November 5?
    “Please to remember
    The fifth of November
    Of the Gunpowder Treason and Plot!”

  3. cake tasting? what fun..but…what about the best part,,,the buttercream!! never been a fan of red velvet myself. white is my favorite..with vanilla buttercream, and a layer of seedless raspberry over the center buttercream. or maybe spice with brown sugar frosting. wait..maple cake with maple buttercream!! haha. i do a lot of guinness chocolate cakes with baileys buttercream..cake smells not good but the baileys buttercream is yummy!!
    Your tree is beautiful!! and Honey looked great at laughter yoga!!!
    Your hike looked beautiful and fun!!
    Michael you have so much ambition writing a memoir!!

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