Pandemic Diary — February 15 to 21

(Türkce versiyonunu görmek için aşağı kaydırın.)

Monday, February 15   Deaths  2,137 (+0)   New cases  184

A second day of zero COVID deaths reported. Reports are for the previous day, so that means that both Saturday and Sunday were zero. It makes you wonder if this is a reporting anomaly. New case totals and test positive numbers remain low. 

Our day was busy but mostly routine: grocery shopping, exercise class, correspondence, etc. We had a short walk, but conditions were fairly nasty–40 degrees with wind-driven rain. We’re getting tired of rain, which seems to go on and on. Every unpaved inch of ground is saturated and puddles form in every low spot. It doesn’t help that up until seventy-odd years ago our neighborhood was most probably a wetland. 

We’re having a minor insect invasion in our otherwise perfect home. (Some exclusions apply.) We have been seeing small moths flitting here and there, a few tiny ants in the kitchen, and one black fly buzzing around. We do not feel merciful toward these invaders and the death toll is mounting. E has ended the lives of four moths and three ants. M has accounted for two moths and the fly. 

Tuesday, February 16   Deaths  2,138 (+1)   New cases  411

A mix of rain and sunshine today with warming temperatures. Our neighborhood walk was pleasant and M did an hour of garden work before a shower chased him inside. E did her yoga class and got some sewing done. M disposed of another moth but he is having a hard time catching up with E, whose score today is three more moths and one more ant. She was very satisfied to get the ant. She says it was the that got away from her yesterday–a claim which is difficult to verify.

We are floundering around trying to find something else to watch on TV. We tried to watch a Turkish series called 20 Minutes, which stars one of favorite Turkish actors, Tuba Büyüküstün, who played Elif in Kara Para Aşk. But 20 Minutes is so grim! Too grim. Then we tried to watch another Turkish series called Woman (Kadın), which some of our friends in Spain are watching. It’s also being shown here on Netflix, but it is in Turkish with Spanish subtitles! We tried that for a while and it kinda worked, but it was really hard and just too culturally confusing. So tonight we tried out an episode of A French Village on Prime. It’s good–and it has English subtitles. But it’s French and we missed our Turkish cultural exposure. So we’re still thinking. 

Wednesday, February 17   Deaths  2,143 (+5)   New cases  473

Another day much like the last. First, M works on his article and E sews. Second, the sun comes out and both work in the garden. Then the sun goes away. M lies down. E goes to the fabric store, navigates the insane complexity of their pricing structure, and eventually gets a package of seam binding and one spool of thread at “regular” prices, two “free” spools of thread, and a piece of flannel fabric for 88 cents. 

But wait, here’s something new. A package arrives. Quick, let’s see who it’s for. It’s addressed to E. M tells her it’s probably just a lump of coal or something, but E knows better. It’s a box of Godiva truffles and the card inside says it is for E and M from the Andees. Fine folks, these Andees, both of them credits to their clans.

Although E is now “eligible” to be vaccinated, sign up for her group has yet to be activated, as far as she can see. Frustrating. 

Thursday, February 18   Deaths  2,149 (+6)   New cases  466

8:00: FaceTime tertulia with R and J. They tell us about having paella and tapas here in town at FireWorks. We tell them about finding Godiva chocolates on our doorstep. Then we compare notes on lugubrious Eastern European national songs. 

9:00 — E has Zoom exercise class.

9:30 — M goes to get a haircut.

10:30 — E goes to the dentist. She decides to walk despite the threat of rain.

11:30 — E goes to Winco and picks up some Grape Nuts.

12:00 — E arrives home in a pouring rain. She is cozy in her coat. The Winco bag is soggy, but the Grape Nuts are fine. M is impressed by the Grape Nuts but wants to know why she didn’t also pick up some butter. 

12:15 — M fetches lunch from Burgerville.

1:00 — M and E rest from their labors.

2:45 — M starts making pickles

3:45 — Pickles!


After dinner we stumbled upon something new to watch on Netflix. It’s a British film called The Dig. It is about an archeological discovery in Suffolk in 1939 and stars Ralph Fiennes and Carey Mulligan. We found it immediately absorbing. It’s a little slow and a little long, so we decided to save some for tomorrow. 

Friday, February 19   Deaths  2,149 (+0)   New cases  492

Today is the 330th day of the Pandemic Diary database. Time for another chart. Over the last ten days, the average daily COVID death toll in Oregon was 11.8. This compares with 7.4  during the previous period, so it’s not great news. but nor is it terrible.

Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 4.58.20 PM.png

The data in the last ten days was strikingly uneven. Two of the days, 2/12 and 2/13, had some of the highest totals of the entire pandemic. On three other days, 2/14, 2/15, and 2/19, zero deaths were reported. 

For E and M, today was a more relaxed day than some. After breakfast we took a long walk in the rain. It was quite a nice rain: small drops, not too many of them, and no wind to blow them around. It buoyed our spirits. When we arrived home the rain obligingly stopped for a bit and E went out to the garden to trim last year’s stalks off of the sedum. When she finished that, she got a shovel and whacked up a couple of pumpkins that had been sitting out in our new prairie since Halloween. As soon as she finished, a bluejay went after the seeds she had exposed. Its method was to stuff its craw with four or five seeds and then fly off and bury them one at a time in various parts of the yard. We know that bird won’t find all of them and E is a little dismayed at the thought of having pumpkin plants all over the place. We shall see.

While E worked in the real world, M worked elsewhere, in the video world of Need For Speed: No Limits. Just today he finally got to the point where he could stage up his SRT Viper GTS. This means that he will be able to make more progress in Car Series and also compete successfully in Level 5 Tuner Trials, which will lead to acquiring the parts needed to increase the speed, acceleration and nitro performance of his Porsche Carrera so as to continue progressing in the The Campaign. This, in turn, will open the way to earning more blueprints to allow yet more stage-ups to the Viper, which, in the long run will surpass the Porsche’s performance and allow for yet more progress in The Campaign. That’s if M doesn’t die first. If you’re too cheap to make in-app purchases, this is a very long-view game.

After all that, we both needed a break so we shared a fish stick for lunch.That wasn’t quite enough, so M had a quesadilla and E finished off some faro salad and a hard boiled egg. In the afternoon E did Zoom yoga and M worked on his article. 

In the evening we finished watching The Dig, which was quite satisfying. We have also discovered a number of other TV things of interest. First, there are many episodes The Number One Ladies Detective Agency on YouTube. Second, we have found a Turkish series called İstanbul Kırımızisi. The plot looks interesting and one of the actors is good old Tuba Büyüküstün. Thirdly, Season 4 of Outlander is now on Netflix. E has never seen any of Outlander. We are not sure if she would like it. Does anyone have an opinion on this? 

Saturday, February 20   Deaths  2,154 (+5)   New cases  536

E was annoyed again this morning by our state public health authorities. She heard one of them on the radio going on about how the vaccination program is flowing right along and everyone who qualifies for shots is getting them, etc., etc. This, she says, is a blatant lie. If it were true, she would have gotten at least a first vaccine by now. 

But then she again went out to walk Pepper and chase rainbows and then got herself a latte from Tried and True, which she says has the best coffee in town. There’s nothing like a dog, a rainbow, and a coffee and to improve one’s mood.

RETRACTION: We must report an error in the January 28th entry of the Diary. On that date we discovered that our John Deere tractor had been attacked and overturned. We were quick to blame a nearby plant shoot, which we identified as a crocus. As can be seen here, it was not a gigantic crocus at all but rather a humongous snowdrop. We regret the error.


We are fortunate, of course, that we did not file an insurance claim based on the crocus damage clause in our homeowners policy. We could have been arrested for fraud. We could have been imprisoned…in which case both of us might have gotten our vaccinations by now.

Sunday, February 21   Deaths  2,155 (+1)   New cases  111

Cloudy but dry today. M mowed the lawn. E went for a walk. We planned plans and listed lists for another trip to Bend. At 4:00 we had a Zoom meeting with E’s brothers back east. All three of the crew back there–brother #1, brother #2, and sister-in-law–have gotten their first vaccinations. J the Elder says he felt poorly for three days after he got his shot but is now doing fine. J the Younger is trying to bear up under the pressures of walking on the beach and putting his feet up to watch the sunset.

On TV we watched the ‘season finale’  of All Creatures Great and Small on PBS. E was annoyed by the whole idea of Helen’s engagement and last minute decision not to marry what’s his name. None of that was in the book. It was inconsistent with everything we know about her character. And the scene where James finds her alone in the church still in her wedding dress was just stupid. Judging by the woodenness of the dialogue, even the writers who created it knew how dumb it was. This reminds us of the bad old days when you could pretty much just assume that any movie or TV adaptation of a novel was going to be junk. 

Pandemi Günlüğü

Pazartesi, 15 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,137 (+0)  Yeni vakalar: 184

Sıfır ölümle başka bir gün bildirildi. Iyi ama garib. Virüs hafta sonları çalışmıyor mu? 

Günümüz meşgul ama rutin bir işti: market alışverişi, egzersiz dersleri, yazışma vb. Biraz yürüdük ama hava kötüydü…soğuk, yağmur ve güçlü rüzgar. Burada her şey çok ıslak. Her santim toprak doymuş ve bahçemizden su birikintiler oluşuyor.

Evimizde küçük bir böcek istilası var: küçük güveler, minik karıncalar ve bir bara sinek. Merhamitli değiliz. E dört güvenin ve üç karıncanın hayatına son verdi. M sadece iki güveyi öldürdü ama anyı samanda sineğe de bir son verdi. 

Salı, 16 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,138 (+1)  Yeni vakalar: 411

Bugün yağmur ve güneşin karışımı. Güzel. Mahallede yürüyüşümüz keyifli geçti. M yağmur onu içeri kovalamadan bahçede bir saat çalıştı. E yoga yaptı ve sonra biraz dikiş yaptı. 

Televizyonda  izlemek yeni bir şey arıyoruz. Kadın adlı bir Türk dizisini izlemeye çalıştık. İspanya’da popüler ve oradaki bazı arkadaşlarımız izliyor. ABD’de Netflix’te ama İspanyolca altyazıları var! Bu hem dilsel hem de kültürel açıdan gerçekten zordu. Çok fazla. Sonra 20 Dakika adlı başka bir Türk dizisini denedik. Kara Para Aşkında Tuba Büyüküstün’ü sevdik. Ama 20 Dakika karanlık ve dertlerle dolu. Bu gece Amazon Prime’da Bir Fransız Köyü adlı bir dizi denedik. İyi bir dizi ama Türk dili ve kültürü dersimiz özlüyoruz. Hala düşünüyoruz.

Çarşamba, 17 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,146 (+6)  Yeni vakalar: 473

Başka bir gün geçen gün gibi. İlk olarak, M yazı projesi üzerinde çalışıyor ve E dikiş dikiyor. İkincisi, güneş geliyor ve ikisi de bahçede çalışıyorlar. Sonra bulutlar geliyor. Normal. Sıkıcı. 

Fakat bekle! İşte yeni bir şey. Bir paket geliyor. Nedir? M, muhtemelen bir parça kömür olduğunu söylüyor. Ama E daha iyisini biliyor. The Andees’den bir kutu Godiva çikolatası. Andees iyi insanlardır. 

Perşembe, 18 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,149 (+6)  Yeni vakalar: 466

8:00 — R ve J ile FaceTime görüşmesi. Godiva Chocolate, İspanyol yemekleri ve küstah Doğu Avrupa ulusal şarkıları hakkında konuştuk.

9:00 — E’nin Zoom egzeresiz sınıfi.

9:30 — M’in saç kesimi randevusu. 

10:30 — E’nin dişçi randevusu. Oraya yürüyerek gitmeye karar verdi.

11:30 — E Winco’ya gitti ve bir kutu Grape Nuts aldı.

12:00 — E eve geldi. Çok yağmur yağıyordu ama E’nin yağmurluğu iyi. M etkilendi. “O iyi bir işçi,” diyor.

12:15 — M Burgerville’den öğle yemeği aldı.

1:00 — Emeklerimizden dinlendik.

2:45 — M turşuluk sebzeler yapmaya başlar.

3:45 — Turşu sebzeler bitti.


Cuma, 19 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,149 (+0)  Yeni vakalar: 492

Bugün salgın haberciliğimizin 330. günü. İşte başka bir grafik. Ortalama günlük ölümler 7,4’ten 11,8’e yükseldi. Harika bir haber değil. Rakamlar tuhaftı. On ikinci ve on üçüncü iki günde çok fazla ölüm oldu. On dördüncü, on beşinci ve on dokuzunda sıfır ölüm vardı. 

Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 4.58.20 PM.png

Bizim için rahat bir gündü. Yağmurda uzun bir yürüyüşe çıktık. Yağmur güzel. Küçük damlaları. Çok fazla damla değil. Ruzgar yok. Yağmur durkuktan sonra E bahçede çalıştı ve M bir video oyunu oynadı. Need for Speed adında bir araba yarışı oyunu. M’nin kullanıcı adı Canavar’dır. 

Akşam The Dig izlemeyi bitirdik. Oldukça tatmin ediciydi. İzlemek istediğimiz daha çok programımız var. Biri İstanbul Kırımızisi değeri Bir Numaralı Bayanlar Dedektiflik Bürosu.  

Cumartesi, 20 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,xxx  (+0)  Yeni vakalar: xxx

GERI ÇEKME: 28 Ocak girdimizde bir hata oluştu. Traktörümüzün saldırıya uğradığını ve devrildiğini bildirdik. Tehlikeli bir yabani çiğdemi suçladık. Bu fotoğraf onun çiğdem olmadığını gösteriyor. Dev bir Kardelen’di. Hatadan dolayı üzgünüz.

Traktör sürücüsü yaralanmadı. Ama traktörde çalışmaya devam edemeyecek kadar korkuyor.

Pazar, 21 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,155 (+1)  Yeni vakalar: 111

Bugün hava bulutlu ama kuru. M çimleri biçti. E yürüyüşe çıktı. Saat dörtte Zoom’dan E’nin kardeşleriyle konuştuk. Erkek kardeş 1 kendisinin ve karısının ilk çekimlerini yaptıklarını. Atıştan sonra üç gün boyunca kötü hissettiler, ama şimdi iyiler. Erkek dardeş 2 sahilde yürüyor ve sonra ayağını kaldırıp gün batımını izliyor. Ne kadar zor iş!

All Creatures Great and Small’ın bir bölümünü izledik. E sinirlendi çünkü yazarlar kitaplarda olmayan büyük bir sahne eklediler. “Aptal”  “Gereksiz” “Bunu neden yapıyorlar?”

Pandemic Diary — February 8 to 14

(Türkce versiyonunu görmek için aşağı kaydırın.)

Monday, February 8   Deaths  2,024 (+1)   New cases  305

We’re back in Bend, Oregon for a couple of days, looking for more fun in the snow, staying at a rental condo in Mt Bachelor Village. Nice big suite.

We got a kitchen because we planned to mostly eat food brought from home. 
The view from the condo, overlooking the Deschutes River, is a classic Central Oregon scene. 

Tuesday, February 9   Deaths  2,031 (+7)   New cases  529

We skied at Dutchman’s Flat near Mt. Bachelor. As the name suggests, it wasn’t too strenuous, good for us at this stage, no skiing thrills, but no skiing spills either. 

The nordic trail stays in the trees, going up one side of the flat and back down the other. E took this from our lunch spot.
The mountain is called Broken Top. We don’t know the name of the cloud.

Today is the 320th day of the Pandemic Diary database and time for an updated graphic, which–we are happy to say–shows a steep decline in the severity of the virus in Oregon. Over the last ten days, the COVID19 death rate was 7.4, as compared to 12.6 in the previous period.

Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 12.58.44 PM.png

Wednesday, February 10   Deaths  2,044 (+13)   New cases  555

This morning we left our happy home overlooking the river and headed back to Corvallis. At around 11:00 we stopped for another skiing excursion, this time at Potato Hill, just east of Hoodoo. Potato Hill is quite different from Dutchman’s Flat, which make sense since a potato is somewhat different from a Dutchman and a hill is definitely different from a flat. We went up the easy side of the hill, but that was hard enough. About a mile and a half in we came to a scene of major storm damage, an area where dozens of big old trees had blown down, probably during last month’s windstorm. 

Normally the trail goes straight ahead here. On this day, we had to pop off our skis and detour on foot for a bit. 
The weather was beautiful. Here’s our lunch spot…
…and here’s our dessert

Good thing we were well fortified, as our descent lacked neither thrills nor spills. We got back to Corvallis by 4:30, somewhat the worse for wear. As we were unloading, we found a paper bag in the back seat which turned out to contain a gigantic apple fritter. Thus it seems likely that we stopped at the Sisters Bakery somewhere along the line, and if so, E may have had to wait her turn behind a skinny young guy who turned down a fritter as being too large and instead bought four other donuts, a loaf of sourdough bread, and four pats of butter; and who then went outside and walked up and down the sidewalk eating a maple old fashioned. 

Thursday, February 11   Deaths  2,056 (+12)   New cases  621

It’s cold and wet here as another winter storm moves in. We are resting up, rehabilitating, and still unpacking. In the morning, E had a quarter of an apple fritter, then had a Zoom exercise class. Later she had laughter yoga, also via Zoom. M had his own quarter fritter to prepare him for a FaceTime meeting with our long-time colleague D. In 1998 the two of them co-authored an article to be included in a handbook for language program administrators. They revised the article when the book was reprinted sometime in the 2000’s. Wasn’t that enough? No. The book’s tirelessly industrious editors have now found a publisher for another new edition. Suckers that M and D are, this will be the third time that they have done this work on the basis of the same financial arrangement, which was firstly nil, secondly none, and now thirdly zero.

Now I know what some readers are asking: What the heck happened to the other two quarters of that fritter? E sent it to the freezer. If it doesn’t get lost in there (Fat chance. –Ed) it will appear again another day. 

Friday, February 12   Deaths  2,094 (+38)   New cases  517

A major spike in the number of COVID deaths today. This despite several weeks of low case numbers and test positive percentages. Yikes!

A day of errands around town. M got up early to trickle charge the Porsche so he could start it up and go get a new battery. The car clinic happened to be in the neighborhood of a nice bakery. Oddly enough, that’s where E found him when she came to give him a ride home. We bought two scones and took them home to have for breakfast. E then got right into filling out a survey and registering herself with the county health department so as to be informed as soon as appointments become available for people in her category, which won’t be soon. But at least E has been accepted into the system. M, a few years younger, was turned away. M then took bottles and cans to the bottles and cans place, got some gin from the gin place, and picked up some vegetable juice, milk, yogurt and tomatoes from a grocery place. 

In the afternoon, E took M to fetch the little blue car and then zipped home in time for Zoom yoga. M had a mind to go joyriding in the rain but decided against it. We took a walk before dinner, but the world was cold and wet, so we kept it short.

In the evening we finished watching our latest Turkish series Love is in the Air (Yer Gök Aşk). We had watched Episode #36 on Thursday night, which left us far short of the 110 episodes that Netflix offers. So how did we finish so quickly? Well, things were moving kind of slow and 74 more episodes seemed like way too many, so we skipped ahead and watched #109 and #110. Clearly we missed some things, but it didn’t matter too much. As we expected, the basic issue was still not resolved. We were delighted to meet a new character being played by Şahin Ergüney, an actor that we recognized from when we saw him play the part of Ömer’s mentor in Black Money Love

In Episodes #109 and #110 of Yer Gök Aşk, Ergüney plays the father of Yusuf’s new girlfriend, Bade. In #109, we learn that Yusuf is determined to marry Bade, even though he is still in love with Havva, just as he was back in Episode #36. He seems to know that he is making a mistake, but his mother is pushing hard for Bade, and his mother–played by the inimitable Işıl Yücesöy–is a force of nature. So here comes trouble.

Saturday, February 13   Deaths  2,137 (+43)   New cases  474

There have been ice storms here and there across the area. In our neighborhood, the rain has not frozen at ground level, but up in the trees thick layers of ice have encased limbs and branches. Due to the weight of the ice, some big limbs have broken off from our neighbor’s tree and fallen onto our yard. Bah. Cold rain has continued on and off all day.

Eve again went out to walk with Pepper. She was pleased that just as they started their walk, the rain stopped and the sun even appeared for a few moments. After the walk, as she was driving home, it was pouring again. 

Take-out dinner from Sybaris–a dungeness crab and shrimp bake for E, BBQ meatloaf for M. Panther Creek Pinot. A pre-Valentine’s celebration. Very nice. 

Sunday, February 14   Deaths  2,137 (+0)   New cases  254

We walked in the OSU forest today and saw some effects of the ice storm there. It was very striking. A number of large trees had fallen and many others had varying degrees of damage. It was odd to see no snow or ice anywhere except in certain places where high branches had been encased in ice, ice that became so thick that the branches broke off and carried the ice down with them. In those places the ice was was still visible after 36 hours of temperatures above freezing. Here’s what the debris looked like under one fir tree. We just pointed our camera at the ground.


The other oddity was that the high damage areas were very localized. Most of the forest just looked soggy–the way it does this time of year. Only here and there did we find pockets of damaged and downed trees, places where the ice formation must have been especially heavy. We noticed this same kind of localization after last fall’s terrible wildfires, when we saw areas of complete destruction immediately beside areas of little or no damage. The complexity of natural phenomena makes their destructive effects seem capricious, as if they were the work of angry, drunken gods. 

Pandemi Günlüğü 8-14, Şubat

Pazartesi, 8 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,024 (+1)  Yeni vakalar: 305

Yine Bend’deyiz, karda daha fazla eğlence arıyoruz. Büyük bir apartmanda kalıyoruz. Güzel.

Mutfağımız var, böylece dışarı çıkmak zorunda kalmayız.
Pencereden Deschtes Nehri’ni ve klasik bir Orta Oregon ormanını görüyoruz.

Salı, 9 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,031 (+7)  Yeni vakalar: 529

Bachelor Dağı yakınlarındaki Dutchman’s Düz’te kayak yaptık. Bizim için iyiydi çünkü yorucu değildi.

İşte öğle yemeği yediğimiz yer.
Dağin adı Kırık Dağ. Bulutun adını bilmiyoruz.

Çarşamba, 10 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,044 (+13)  Yeni vakalar: 555

Bu sabah Bend’den ayrıldık ve eve doğru batıya gittik. Saat 11: 00’de Potato Hill’de başka bir kayak gezisi için durduk. Dutchman’s Flat daha zor. Parktan bir mil uzakta, korkunç bir fırtına hasarı gördük. Pek çok büyük ağaç rüzgardan düşmüştü.

Normalde kayak pisti düz gidiyor. Bu gün dolambaçlı yoldan gitmek zorunda kaldık.
Hava çok güzel. İşte öğle yemeği yerimiz.
…ve işte tatlımız.

Öğle yemeği yedikten sonra aşağı kaydık. Yol dik ve hızlıydı. Çok dikkatli olmalıydık. Zaman zaman kayaklarımızı çıkarıp yürümek zorunda kalıyorduk. Yavaş ama güvenli.

Eve gittikten sonra arabamıde bir çantada dev bir elmalı börek bulduk. Nereden geldi? Hmm. Belki kayak yaptıktan sonra Sisters Bakery’de durduk. 

Perşembe, 11 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,056 (+12)  Yeni vakalar: 621

Corvallis’te hava her zamanki gibi soğuk ve ıslak. Kahvaltıda elmalı börek yedik. E onu dört parçaya ayırdı. E bir parça yedi ve M bir parça yedi. Diğer ikisine ne oldu? Kayboldular! Ama belki bir gün günlükte yeniden görünecekler.  

Cuma, 12 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,094 (+38)  Yeni vakalar: 517

Kötü haber. Oregon’da günlük COVID ölümlerinde büyük artış oldu. Neden bilmeyoruz. 

Bugün ayak işlerini yaptık. M yeni bir pil almak için Porsche’yi aldı ve ayrıca biraz market alışverişi ve biraz da geri dönüşüm yaptı.

Akşam Yer Gök Aşk’ı izlemeyi bitirdik. Bugüne kadar 36 bölüm izledik. Seviyoruz ama çök yavaş. Sadece sonunu izlemeye karar verdik. Son iki bölüme atladık. 109. bölümde Yusuf ve Havva’nin hala evle olmadığını gördük. Aslında Yusuf’un yeni bir sevgilisi var, Bade. Bade’nin babasını canlandıran oyuncuyu görmekten çok memnun kaldık. Şahin Ergüney’di. Onu Kara Para Aşk’ından hatırladık. 

Yusuf’un Havva’ya kızdığı için Bade ile evlenmeye karar verdiğini gördük. Elbette Havva’yı hâlâ seviyor ve onu seviyor. Yusuf hata yaptığını biliyor ama gurur duyuyor ve annesi–Işıl Yucesöy–Bade için çok bastırıyor. Sorun geliyor!

Cumartesi, 13 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,137 (+43)  Yeni vakalar: 474

Dün gece buz fırtinaları yaşadık, çok soğuk yağmur. Yağmur sokaklarda ve bahçelerde donmadı. Ağaçların uzuvlarında çok kalın buz oluştu. Garip. Ve ağaçlar için çok tehlikeli. Komşumuzun büyük bir ağacı var ve birçok uzuv kırılmış. Bu bir karmaşa ve bir kısmı bizim bahçemizde.

Pazar, 14 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,137 (+0)  Yeni vakalar: 254

Bugün OSU ormanında yürüdük ve buz fırtınasının etkilerini gördük, Bazı ağaçlar düşmüş ve birçok ağaç zarar görmüştü. Kar yoktu ve yerde buz oluşmamıştı. Ama bazı ağaçların tepelerinde kalın buz oluşmuştu. Sonra dallar kırıldı ve her şey düştü. İşte birçok küçük dalın düştüğü bir yer.


Pandemic Diary — February 1 to 7

(Türkce versiyonunu görmek için aşağı kaydırın.)

Monday, February 1   Deaths  1,958 (+1)   New cases  964

Rain all day long. M went to the dentist and got the crown put on his implant, the final step in a 10-month process. Whew. We won’t go into details, but M is amazed that it worked at all. He returned from the dentist to find E on her knees weeding in the front yard in the pouring rain. After lunch E went for a medical appointment in Salem. Did M then go out and do more weeding in the pouring rain? No.  

Tuesday, February 2   Deaths  1,981 (+23)   New cases  619

After a long hiatus, E has resurrected her bird feeder and hung it in the apple tree outside the study window. The larger birds don’t use it much, but it’s fun to watch the chickadees, juncos, and goldfinches from the study. Unfortunately, a couple of birds have flown into the window–thunk. That’s not so pleasant. So we needed warning decals, the kind that reflect ultraviolet light, which birds can see but we can’t. After exercise class, a medical appointment, and lunch from Taco Time, E managed to get down to the bird shop, buy what she needed, and then apply the decals to the window, finishing all this just before the rains came back. 

Here’s a bird decal as seen by the watchers inside the study.

M got out in the sun for an hour or two, working on his paver project. He says he made real progress, it needs just a few final touches. 


After all this, it was time for a walk, which turned out to be a walk in the rain, a steady rain accompanied by a noticeably cold wind out of the west. Back inside where it was warm, M served up lemon pepper salmon, plain couscous, and asparagus. The clientele at our exclusive restaurant, i.e. M & E were pleased.

Wednesday, February 3   Deaths  1,991 (+10)   New cases  649

Went to the garden center today. E got wooly thyme and a snowberry bush. M got asparagus. Did E know why she was buying wooly thyme and a snowberry bush because she had thought carefully about why she wanted them? Yes. Did M buy asparagus crowns on impulse? Of course. Was he looking forward to eating some homegrown asparagus this spring? He probably was. Did he do some basic research about asparagus when he got home? Yes. Did he find out that you’re not supposed to harvest asparagus for the first two years? He probably did. 

Thursday, February 4   Deaths  1,998 (+7)   New cases  730

It seems that vaccinations are really starting to get going as we get into February. The state says that about 510,000 doses have been administered. And we personally are hearing about more and more people who either have had shots or have gotten appointments for shots. Not surprisingly, they all seem relieved and happy. That’s fine of course, but what about us? We’re left to grumble.

One thing many are grumbling about is the fact that there is queue jumping going on. That is, people who are supposedly not eligible for vaccines are getting vaccinated anyway. We’ve looked into the sign up process here in our area and it looks to be a sort of honor system. The way it works is that you fill out a questionnaire–on Survey Monkey–and if you give the right answers, you can schedule an appointment. But what are the right answers, really? Are they the ones that you know will get you an appointment? Or are they the ones that accurately describe your situation? There are two world views in conflict here. It’s easy to understand why no one wants to get into the business of checking to see who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. And in the big picture, the more people who are vaccinated–whoever they are–the better off we all will be. Still, when someone that you can’t help suspecting of cheating gets their picture in the paper as part of an article celebrating and promoting the program, that’s annoying.

Something else that’s happening as we get into February is that we start thinking about Valentine’s Day. For E that means getting the box collection out from its home in the top of the garage. The collection stretches back twenty years or so. The prettiest boxes are from Burst’s in Corvallis…


…but the tallish one center left is also a favorite. It’s from Elizinn in Ankara. We also have boxes from Thailand, Mexico and Cyprus.

This box is reasonably attractive, but the contents got a poor review. 

Friday, February 5   Deaths  2,002 (+4)   New cases  846

Not a real nice weather day, but we did some garden work anyway. E finished planting her wooly thyme. Our neighbor gave us a whole bunch of Dutch iris bulbs and Michael worked on separating them out. It was a wonderful gift, dozens and dozens of small teardrop shaped bulbs. Later we walked over to see H and return her big soup pot. We had a nice socially distanced talk in her back yard. She seems to be doing pretty well. Her grandson recently strung up some lights for her out on her covered patio. They are those bright orange chili pepper shaped lights. Go H! On the way home we met M, a colleague from our teaching days. That was also fun. As for social distancing, it was a situation where she was on one side of the street and we were on ours. That should work.

Saturday, February 6   Deaths  2,019 (+1)   New cases  624

A typical Saturday. E went out the country to take dog Pepper for a walk and then did a bunch of errands. M planted irises and then spent some time reading a history of Oregon State University.

So far, M has been reading about the period from 1880 to 1939. In those days OSU was called OAC, the Oregon Agricultural College. In 1931 the cost to attend OAC was $77 a year for tuition and fees, plus $225-350 for room and board, depending on the level of accommodation. The College President was William Jasper Kerr, who had previously worked as an educator in Utah. He was a former polygamist who had to officially divest himself of his second wife before he could be approved for the Corvallis job. He is, of course, the Kerr of the Kerr Administration Building, and was formerly the Kerr of Kerr Library, back when there was a Kerr Library. Many other names that will be familiar to OSU people are from the pre-WW2 era, including Margaret Comstock Snell, the first female professor at OAC; Grant Covell, OAC’s first engineering professor; and Ida Angeline Kidder, OAC’s first professional librarian.

Sunday, February 7   Deaths  2,023 (+4)   New cases  393

Nice day for a walk in the woods. To avoid weekend crowds we went to a somewhat obscure corner of the OSU forest. We went about four miles in total, part of it following a little stream up to where a road dead ends at an old washout. It rained on us a little, but it was more sunny than not. 

This forest road ends in an old washout and tree fall.
The ferns and the moss stay green all year.

In the afternoon, E did another Zoom meeting with brothers J and J. In South Carolina John has gotten a first dose of vaccine with a second scheduled for Feb. 25th. In New York Jim has an appointment for a first dose on February 20th. To get it, he’ll have to drive from Clifton Park to Utica, 102 miles away. 

Here in Oregon, daily COVID fatalities and new case numbers are encouraging– considerably below the record highs of the first half of January. 

Pandemi Günlüğü — 1-7 Şubat

Pazartesi, 1 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,598 (+1)  Yeni vakalar: 964

Bütün gün yağmur yağdı. M dişçiye gitti. İmplantı için son adımdı. Sonunda, on ay sonra! Dişçiden döndüğünde, Eve’in yağmurda bahçede çalıştığını gördü.

Öğle yemeğinden sonra E tıbbi bir randevuya gitti. M daha sonra dışarı çıkıp yağan yağmurda çalıştı mı? Hayır, o deli değil.

Salı, 2 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,981 (+23)  Yeni vakalar: 619

E kuşyemliğini elma ağacına koydu. Şimdi pencereden bülbül, junko ve ispinozları izleyebiliriz. 


Penceredeki gri şekil ultraviyole ışığı yansıtır. Kuşlar ultraviyole ışığa duyarlıdır ve bu şekil onları pencereden uçmamaları konusunda uyarır.

M yürüme yolu projesi üzerinde çalıştı. Neredeyse bittiğini söylüyor. Sadece birkaç son dokunuşa ihtiyacı var.


Daha sonra soğuk yağmurda yürüyüşe çıktık. Eve döndükten sonra M akşam yemeği pişirdi: limon biberli somon, kuskus ve kuşkonmaz. 

Çarşamba, 3 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,xxx (+1)  Yeni vakalar: xxx

Bu gün bahçe merkezine gittik. E yünlü kekik ve kar üzümü satın aldı. M kuşkonmaz satın aldı. E dikkatlice planladı mı? Evet. M dürtüden mi satın aldı? Elbette. M birkaç ay içinde evde yetişen taze kuşkonmaz mı düşünüyordu? Muhtemelen. M kuşkonmaz yetiştirmenin iki ya da üç yıl sürdüğünü öğrendi mi? Elbette. 

Perşembe, 4 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,998 (+7)  Yeni vakalar: 730

Oregon’da şu ana kadar yaklaşık 510.000 doz aşı yapıldı. Aşılanmış birkaç kişi tanıyoruz. Rahatladılar ve mutlular. 

Şubat başlarken Sevgililer Gününü düşünmemiz gerekiyor. E için kutu koleksiyonunu gösterme zamanı. Güzel kutuların çoğu Corvallis’teki Bursts’tan ancak ortadaki uzun koyu kırmızı kutu da favorilerimizden. Ankara’daki Elizinn’dendir.


Cuma, 5 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,002 (+4)  Yeni vakalar: 846

Hava biraz soğuk ve biraz ıslaktı ama yine de bahçede çalıştık. E onun yünlü kekik bitkilerini dikti. Komşumuz bize çok sayıda Hollanda iris soğanı verdi. Harika! M onları hazırlamaya çalıştı. Daha sonra arkadaşımız H’yi ziyaret ettik. Verandasında yeni turuncu acı biber ışıkları olduğu için mutlu.    

Cumartesi, 6 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,019 (+1)  Yeni vakalar: 624

Tipik bir cumartesi. E köpek arkardaşı Pepper’ı ziyaret etti ve onunla birlikte yürüdü. M biraz iris dikti ve Oregon Eyalet Üniversitesi ile ilgili bir kitapta bazı bölümleri okudu. 1880’den 1939’a kadar olan dönemi okudu. 1931’de bir yıllık öğrenim ücreti 77$. Yemek ve konaklama 225-350$. Üniversitenin ilk başkanlarından biri olan William Jasper Kerr, Utah’lı eski bir çok eşli idi. Oregon’da çalışabilmek için ikinci karısından boşanmak zorunda kaldı. 

Pazar, 7 Şubat        Oregon’daki ölümler: 2,023 (+4)  Yeni vakalar: 393

Bugün ormanda yürüyüş için güzel bir gün. Dört mil yürüdük. 

Bu günlerde yol burada bitiyor.
Eğrelti otları ve yosunlar tüm yıl yeşildir. 

Öğleden sonra E’nin kardeşleriyle Zoom’da konuştuk. Güney Carolina’da John ilk aşı dozunu aldı. Ayın sonunda ikinci bir doz alacak. New York eyaletinde Jim’in 20 şubat için bir aşı randevusu var. Burada tabii ki henüz randevumuz yok. Ama en azından Oregon COVID istatistikleri eskisi kadar kötü değil. Pandemi Günlüğü önümüzdeki hafta yeni bir grafik yayınlayacak. 

Pandemic Diary — January 25th to 31st

(Türkce versiyonunu görmek için aşağı kaydırın.)

Monday, January 25   Deaths  1,882 (+2)   New cases  436

Another Monday and again we felt compelled to seek out yet more food items from our local markets. Will this matter of cooking and eating never end? And why–after M got up so early and braved the perils of the supermarket–were there no Little Schoolboy cookies on the shelf? How can that be right? 

We’ve been trying to avoid this next topic, but we can’t stand it anymore. What the heck is going on in the house across the street?


The neighbor who used to live there was a fellow in his forties. He had a nice pickup truck that was usually attached to a box trailer. He went to work everyday and often worked long hours, but often came home at lunch time. He looked to be a builder or carpenter and the trailer was almost surely his toolbox. There was a younger guy, possibly a son, who came by often, sometimes seeming to stay there for days at a time. His pride and joy was a very old VW van that he worked on every weekend. But then, last summer, that tenant moved out. 

Soon after that, there was a period of great activity, lots of pickups and cars, lots of miscellaneous debris being hauled away. The most frequent visitors were a middle-aged couple. They started to spiff things up in hurry. The lawn was cut and edged to perfection. Shrubs were trimmed and the big tree was pruned. The weeds growing from the cracks in the driveway disappeared. Flowers were planted and the roof was swept. The house hadn’t looked bad before, but obviously they thought it needed to look better. Was the house being prepped for the next rental or possible sale? It got a new patio sliding door and all new windows. Interior painters came and went for weeks and weeks. This is a small house, how much paint did it need? Then the work tapered off. The house stood empty for a couple of months, making us curiouser and curiouser. Just before Christmas someone put a Santa on the doorstep and a bunch of lights on the front yard tree. We know that someone was keeping an eye on the house because Santa fell down a couple of times, but was always set up again within a day. The lights on the big tree remained on twenty-four hours a day for three or four weeks. That seemed odd. These days, Santa is gone, but the lights are still there, only now they go off in the daytime and only come on in the evening. Once in a while painter’s van arrives and stays for an hour or two, sometimes late in the evening. About a week ago a mysterious gray car stayed in the driveway all night. We haven’t seen it since. So now we are really curious.

But not so curious as to miss dinner. After a day spent chasing rainbows…


…E cooked trout in a red wine sauce. Trucha a la Navarra is said to be an old recipe from what is now the Navarre Autonomous Community in northern Spain. The sauce includes onions, olive oil and twenty peppercorns. It came with steamed potatoes to soak up the sauce and red cabbage on the side. It was delicious, so good that we decided to follow up with ice cream and Snow’s Mandarin Orange Dark Chocolate Sauce, a more modern recipe from the foothills of the Sierra Madre in California. 

Tuesday, January 26   Deaths  1,904 (+22)   New cases  796

Quite a day today. We planned to drive out into the forests west of town to explore a place called Ritner Creek Park. The park appears on no maps, nor could we find it on google earth, but M remembered seeing a sign for it pointing down a gravel road leading into the timberlands. We knew that snow was forecast for the afternoon, which made it all the more interesting. We packed up a few picnic staples: pineapple juice, two small rations of Swiss chocolate, and a flask of Aberfeldy; and then went and got some oversized sandwiches from the 57th Street Grill. (Which, as we mentioned last year, is not on 57th Street and is not a grill–but that’s another story.) 

Forty-five minutes later we found the sign and headed for the park. Except for having to squeeze past a huge loaded log truck that came barreling toward us and then having to also squeeze past a huge empty gravel truck that also came barreling toward us, the drive to the park was uneventful. It wasn’t very far. Ritner Creek Park turned out to be wonderful, very simple and very lovely. All we could see at first was a parking area, a restroom and a gravel path along the north side of the creek. We parked and got out to explore. The sky was dark and the air was heavy with moisture. Eventually we found a footbridge that led to the south side of the creek. Just as we approached the bridge, the snow started to fall. 

On the far side of the creek we found a longer gravel path and a scattering of picnic spots. The trees were all native maples, some of them ancient. 

Mature maples growing from the remains of an ancestor


Fortunately for these trees, timber companies have little interest in maples. The land for the Ritner Creek Park was donated by Boise-Cascade. 


Lovely as the scene was, our lunch was in the car, so that’s where we went next. Once there, we decided to drive back down Bourbon Road and take Highway 223 to the old Ritner Creek Covered Bridge, just a few miles away. 


We had our lunch there and then started for home. For reasons too complicated to explain, we decided to return to Corvallis via U.S. Highway 20 rather than on the back roads we had taken on the way out. Bad choice. Traffic was snarled. We waited twenty minutes to get onto Highway 20 from 223. After another twenty minutes we had progressed just fifty yards or so from where we got on. Bah. We turned around and retraced our journey back up 223 to King’s Valley, and went home via Airlie and Tampico. It was snowing hard, but the hills weren’t terribly steep, there were few other cars, and M’s foot was gentle on the throttle. Snow is a lovely thing in the forest. When we got back to town, it didn’t look nearly as nice.    

Wednesday, January 27   Deaths  1,924 (+20)   New cases  731

In the morning E walked over snow and ice to WINCO for some groceries and then started making a blackberry pie. Then we had lunch and she went off to Salem for an appointment, making it back in plenty of time to serve dinner: green salad and sardines followed by pie. Yum! What a cook! 

M worked at the computer and also read a few chapters in a William Robbins’ book Hard Times in Paradise, a history of Coos Bay, Oregon. 

In Turkish television land, Havva is walking on air. Despite having been put out of the mansion, she has been able to spend some time with Yusuf, who is clearly smitten. Betül, Yusuf’s old girlfriend, has given up the chase and gone back to Istanbul. The series is filmed on location in Cappadocia, and so–as was inevitable–Yusuf and Havva went for a ride in a hot air balloon. Toprak, on the other hand, stayed home and knitted Yusuf a scarf. 

Thursday, January 28   Deaths  1,930 (+6)   New cases  750

Our tractor has been attacked and overturned by a rogue crocus! Fortunately, no one was injured, although the driver is nowhere in sight. Just another reminder of the power of nature…


It turns out that our insurance policy will not cover any damages. Losses due to crocus attack are specifically excluded unless you opt for the “Small Monocoteyledon Supplement” and pay an additional $4.85 a month premium, which we have not been doing. Oh well. 

Friday, January 29   Deaths  1,938 (+8)   New cases  976

A relatively quiet day, mostly overcast and mostly dry. E attended a meeting of her HEPAJ group at Pat’s Open Air Garage and Tea Room. E was pleased by the chance to socialize over key lime pie and other treats. After the meeting E and P went walking in Martin Luther King Park where they met up with M on the trail. P then took us on a tour of the new housing development on the north side of the park. There’s a lot that she’s thinking of acquiring. It borders the park at just the spot where a donated bench commemorates her late husband.

Saturday, January 30   Deaths  1,957 (+19)   New cases  707

Oregon’s COVID death rate has dropped over the last ten days. In the most recent period, January 21-30, the rate was 12.6 deaths per day, as compared to 22.7 in the previous period. Recent test positive percentages and new case numbers have also been low. 

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 3.10.34 PM.png

A total of 407,869 first and second vaccine doses have been administered in Oregon so far. Health care workers have had the highest priority. Beginning Monday, educators will also be eligible. One week later, eligibility will extended to older Oregonians, beginning with those over 80. The Governor Brown has received some criticism for prioritizing educators over seniors. As far as we know, she is the only governor to have done so. She says that it is important to get schools open.

Sunday, January 31   Deaths  NA (+NA)   New cases  NA

Yet another overcast day, with light rain showers every hour or two. In the morning E had a Zoom meeting with her friends S and Mrs. H. while M watched an OSU women’s  basketball. They were playing at Utah, M’s alma mater. It was Beavers over Utes 84-74. 

In the afternoon we went for a long walk in a neighborhood where there are some very interesting houses. We just had to take a photo of this one.  


Later we watched an episode of Love is in the Air. When Havva’s former fiance, Cüneyt, was causing problems, her dad, Remzi the Mad, dealt with it by telling the police about Cüneyt’s drug dealing. Remzi hoped that he could remain anonymous, but now Cüneyt has found out who ratted and has sworn to take vengance. Cüneyt is still in jail for now, but Remzi is nervous. Meanwhile, Havva and her constantly scheming aunt, Sultan, have intercepted a DNA test result letter. The letter is for Yusuf and it confirms that he is not the father of little Rüzgar, whom Toprak has been nursing. This is not the result that Sultan and Havva were hoping for. So Havva has altered the report so that it seems to confirm that Yusuf is the father. E and M were not at all surprised by this. Judging from all the Turkish series we have seen, it is apparent that no one in Turkey has ever received accurate DNA test results. We wonder why people even bother having them done.  Don’t they watch TV?

Pandemi Günlüğü 25-31 Ocak

Pazartesi, 25 Ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,882 (+2)       yeni vakalar: 436

Başka bir pazartesi, başka bir market alışverşi günü. Hiç bitmeyecek mi? M’un Little Schoolboy kurabiyeleri bulamaması dışında alışveriş iyiydi. Bah!

Eve yoğun bir gün geçirdi. Öğleden sonra bir gökkuşağı buldu. Akşam Trucha ala Navarra’yı pişirdi. Sos kırmızı şarap, zeytinyağı, soğan ve yermi karabiber ile yapıldı. Kuzey İspanya’dan eski bir reçetedir. Çok lessetliydi.

Salı, 26 Ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,904 (+22)       yeni vakalar: 796

Bugün pikniğe gittik. Önce biraz yiyecek hazırladık: ananas suyu, İsviçre çıkolatası, ve kuçuk bir şişe Aberfeldy. Sonra Taylor Street Ovens’tan sandviç aldık. Planımız Ritner Creek Park’a getmekti. O park haritada yok. Google Earth’da yok. Amah M otoyolda bir işareti hatırladı. Batıya gittik ve Peedee kasabası yakınlarında doğru yolu bulduk. On dakika sonra parkı bulduk. Park basit ve çok güzeldi. Arabayı derenin kuzey tarafına park ettik. Yaya köprüsü var. Köprüyü geçerken kar yağmaya başladı.

Parktaki ağaçlar akçaağaçlar. Bazıları çok yaşlı.

Birkaç büyük tomruk kamyonu gördük. Akçaağaçlar, kimse onları kesmek istemediği için şanslı.

Parkı keşfettikten sonra eski bir kapalı köprüyü ziyaret etmeye karar verdik. Kapalı köprü 1926’da yapıldı. Öğle yemeğimizi orada arabada yedik. 


Çarşamba, 27 Ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,924 (+20)       yeni vakalar: 731

Sabah E kurabiye ve salata için WINCO’ya yürüdü ve sonra mutfakta çalıştı. Öğle yemeği yedikten sonra o Salem’e gittik. Akşam yemeği servis etmek için tam zamanında geri geldi. Bir büyük yeshil salata ve bir büyük böğürtlenli turta yedik. Nefis. M bilgisayarda çalıştı ve William Robbins’in bir kitabında birkaç bölüm okudu. 

Yemekten sonra  Gök Yer Aşk’in bir bölümünü izledik. Havva çok mutlu çünkü düşmanlarından birini yendi. Yusuf’un eski sevgilisi Betül İstanbul’a geri döndü. Havva’nın annesi meraklıdır. “Gözlerindeki o ışık nedir?” soruyor. Havva cevap vermiyor. Planını sadece babası ve teyzesi biliyor. Dizi Kapadokya’da geçiyor.  Tabii ki balonlarımız olmalı. Havva ve Yusuf birlikte gökyüzüne gittiler. Tatlı küçük Toprak evde kaldı ve Yusuf’a bir fular ördü.    

Perşembe, 28 Ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,930 (+6)       yeni vakalar: 750

Felaket! Traktörümüz çiğdem tarafından devrildi. Doğanın güçünü gösterir. Neyşe ki kimse yarlanmadı. 


Sigortamız hiçbir şey ödemeyecek. Çiğdemlerden korunmak istiyorsak fazladan ödeme yapmamız gerektiğini söylüyorlar.

Cuma, 29 Ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,938 (+8)       yeni vakalar: 976

Sakin bir gün. E arkadaşlarıyla Pat’s Open Air Garage and Tea Room’a gitti. Çok fazla tatlıları olduğunu söylüyor, ama beğendi. Toplantı bittikten sonra E ve P MLK parkında yürüyüşe çıktı. 

M da parka geldi. P bizi yeni konut projesini gezmeye gezdirdi. Orada bir yer satın almayı düşünüyor.

Cumartesi, 30 Ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,957 (+19)       yeni vakalar: 707

Bu salgının 310. günü. Oregon’daki COVID hakkında bazı iyi haberler var. Ölum oranı biraz düştü. İşte grafik.

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 3.10.34 PM.png

Yeni vaka oranı da daha düşük. 

Pazar, 31 Ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: (müsait değil) yeni vakalar: (m.d.)

Başka bir bulutlu gün. Aralıklı yağmur. Sabah E arkadaşları S ve Mrs. H ile Zoom görüşmesi yaptı. M bir kadın basketbol maçı izledi. Oregon Eyalet Üniversitesi, Utah Üniverstesi’nde oynadı. Kuduzlar 84-74 kazandı.

Öğle yemeğinden sonra birçok ilginç evin bulunduğu bir mahallede yürüdük. İşte bunlardan girinin fotoğrafı.


Daha sonra Gök Yer Aşk bir bölümünü izledik. Yusuf’a önemli bir mektup geldi. DNA testinin sonuçlarını içerir. Sinsi Sultan, Yusuf görmeden mektubu açtı. Mektup Yusuf’un Rüzgar’ın babası olmadığını bildiriyor. Sultan bundan hiç hoşlanmıdı. Sultan ve Havva mektubu değiştirdi ve şimdi Yusuf babası olduğunu sanıyor. Biz şaşırmadık. Diğer Türk dizilerinden, Türkiye’de hiç kimsenin doğru bir DNA raporu almadığını biliyoruz. 

Pandemic Diary — January 18 to 24

Monday, January 18   Deaths  1,803 (+3)   New cases  666

It was grocery shopping day. E handled the Co-op and M went to both Market of Choice (for general items) and Trader Joe’s for wine, dried fruit and nuts. E and M may be foolish, but not so foolish as to buy wine at M of C. Also in the morning E finished up her Pandemic Diary entry about the surprise package and last week’s PD got posted. M charged up the battery on the Porsche and took it out for a spin. A beautiful day for it. Now we wait to see if the battery will hold its charge. Knowing that he may have to replace the battery, M took a long look at it. Looks pretty nice, as batteries go. Moll Kamina 80Ah, made in Germany. Lasted ten years so far. Little translucent dollar signs floating all around it… 


Tuesday, January 19   Deaths  1,88 (+5)   New cases  637

We drove down to southwest Corvallis this morning and walked through the Denawi Creek wetlands. It’s just a few acres with development all around it, but it’s quite lovely. On one side it borders on Sunset Park, where there is a playground and two of the city’s best softball fields. M remembers playing ball there many times back in the last century. He hadn’t seen the place since. Back then there were three softball fields at the park. One of them could only be used in late summer because the ground was too soggy to play on–even in June and July. 

Nowadays that third field has vanished, leaving not a trace, and what we see now are seasonal ponds and a lazy stream running though a soggy prairie full of native grasses, sedge, and small riparian trees. We saw ducks who swam over hoping to be fed and some kind of large rodent chomping on some grass just a few feet away. E decided it was a beaver and M decided it was a nutria. 

After lunch E mailed letters and talked for a long time with her friend H. M mowed the back lawn, a ridiculous thing to have to do in January, but what else can you with long shaggy grass on a warm sunny day?

Lately we’ve been watching another Turkish series on TV. Its English title is Love is in the Air and it is set in Cappadocia. It was made about ten years ago and it’s a little different from the other series we have seen, which have been more modern and more urban. It concerns two sisters, Toprak (Earth), who is terribly innocent, and Havva (Eve), a ruthless schemer. Toprak is grieving for her recently deceased baby and is working as a wet nurse for a wealthy family. Havva is bent on snagging the town’s most eligible bachelor, the young heir to the same family, who is named Yusuf. The baby that Toprak is nursing is in fact Yusuf’s son, born out of wedlock to a young woman who died not long after giving birth, hence the need for a wet nurse. Toprak is married, but she is living, for now, at the home of the above mentioned wealthy family, leaving her husband on his own, free to carry on his affair with a floozie named Yasmin, nicknamed Yaso. Meanwhile, Yusuf’s younger sister, Münevver, is secretly in love with Yiğit, the housekeeper’s son, who has just graduated from teacher’s college. The name Yiğit means valiant, but he is not living up to that name, and Münevver (Enlightened) is getting annoyed. 

Wednesday, January 20   Deaths  1,832 (+24)   New cases  674

We watched the inauguration this morning. It was very moving. We loved Biden, and just like the rest of the country, we liked Lady Gaga, J-Lo and Bernie’s mittens. Some of the speeches were a little long. But the main thing was that it happened. Not many countries have ever needed new leadership as bad as we did.

After the swearing in, we went for a walk up in the forest so that E could visit an old friend with whom she has been sharing important moments with since the first Obama victory.


On the way back we saw how our old maple was doing. About five years ago the it was cut as part of a thinning operation, which left nothing but a three foot tall stump. Hard to kill a maple, though, at least in this climate. 

Here’s what it looked like last September…

…and here’s what it looks like now.

It’s the 300th day of Pandemic Diary record keeping. After twenty days of only moderately high daily deaths, the number this week climbed back up to very high, 21.7 deaths per day. Here’s the chart.

Screen Shot 2021-01-24 at 8.21.40 PM.png

Thursday, January 21   Deaths  1,843 (+11)   New cases  849

Although COVID is still raging in Oregon, there is one mildly hopeful sign: the test positive rate has averaged below five per cent for the past eight days. And on the national scene, masks will now be required at all federal facilities. What a concept. 

A cold damp day around here, no real rain but lots of mist and drizzle. M went to Bi-Mart and got a bag of manure. Why? Because the Extension newsletter says that now is the time to manure one’s rhubarb. We wonder if this recommendation comes from the latest horticultural research or if it is traditional lore that has been passed down by untold generations of rhubarb growers? The article didn’t say. 

E ventured into town and came back with a nightlight. We really need a nightlight because we had to close the shades to keep out the light from the Christmas lights at the house across the street. The lights have been on 24 hours a day since Christmas, even though no one lives there. Ask us if we understand this.

M is cooking tonight–saag lentils, rice, and fried eggs. On Love is in the Air, the secrecy of Münevver and Yiğit’s secret love is beginning to unravel. Both of their mothers now know about it. Yiğit’s mother is deeply concerned–about herself–because she knows she might get fired. Münevver’s mother, Hamiyet, is furious and lays into Yiğit with the old “How could you do this to us after all the nice things we did for you?” She banishes him from the mansion and comes very close to exiling his mother as well. Of course, this is all still women’s stuff. Yusuf and his dad Yilmaz (Undaunted) are still in the dark. Yilmaz continues blithely along, and is nearly finished with his plan for getting Münevver engaged to the provincial governor. Meanwhile, has innocent Toprak’s dunce of a husband rented a house for himself and his floozie? Of course he has. Has Toprak found out about it? Uh-huh. Has the scheming Havva managed to lure handsome good guy Yusuf into her web? Not yet. Fate has dealt her a couple of setbacks. Has she given up? No. She’s a spunky one. When fate slaps her, she slaps right back.

Friday, January 22   Deaths  1,865 (+22)   New cases  877

A walk today at a Benton County Natural Area called Fitton Green. Just a stroll really, about 3500 steps. Nice day for a walk, warmish and partly cloudy. The other major event of the day that a M finished another of his British crosswords. Here’s an excerpt. The clue is Idle socialite, ages out of university, finding way to embrace flower-girl. The answer is a two-word phrase, each word containing six letters. The known letters and blanks are as follows:   _o_n_e    _i_a_d.  If anyone sees this and thinks of the answer immediately, well, that’s good, but you probably shouldn’t mention it to M, because it took him forever. 

Saturday, January 23   Deaths  1,877 (+13)   New cases  775

A mostly sunny day, cold in the morning but mild in the afternoon. E went out to the country to walk Pepper. Pepper was glad to see her, but not happy at all about going for a walk, possibly because it was pretty cold at that time. So E got in only a few steps toward her daily goal of many thousands. After lunch, therefore, she had to take M for a walk around the neighborhood. E also spent time today searching for a new pot for a house plant that is outgrowing its current home. By the time she found one to her liking, it was late in the day and she wisely decided to postpone the actual repotting phase of the project. While she was out searching, M worked on doing a makeover of a little iris bed that was choked with grass. It was so warm that he had to take off his heavy shirt and work in his tee. Weird. 

We’ve been getting information about vaccinations in Oregon. A total of 285,914 doses have been given. The state is averaging 12-15,000 administrations per day. At that rate it will take a while. The state government has released a schedule for when various groups will become eligible. So far only health workers and caregivers have been getting the vaccine. Starting on Monday, teachers, school staff and child care providers will become eligible. Two weeks after that, people 80 and older will become eligible, followed a week later by 75 and older, and a week after than 70 and older, and a week after that 65 and older. So Eve will become eligible sometime around Valentines Day. Because M is in a different group, he will become eligible later. 

But wait, what does “become eligible” actually mean? Not much. Apparently all it means is that you will have permission to put your name on a waiting list somewhere. Where are these lists? No one is saying. How long will you have to wait once your name is on a list? No one knows. Oh boy.

If E does get her shots before M, things could get interesting. According to M, it means that E will have to do all of the grocery shopping for a while. E says that’s right, but M will have to do all the cooking because she’ll be so tired from all that shopping. 

Sunday, January 24   Deaths  1,880 (+3)   New cases  582

No sun today, cold and dreary, light rain most of the time. E braved the weather to repot her giant plant. M helped by making suggestions (mostly useless) and by helping lift the whole deal back in into place once the repotting was done (quite helpful). E says the change will be good in the long run. Meanwhile, the plant seems ungrateful.

Before: happy and beautiful
Now: shocked and unsmiling

E also took a long walk today, in spite of the rain. M took advantage of the weather by staying inside and watching an OSU women’s basketball game. Due to a long series of COVID related postponements and cancelations, it was their first game in over a month. The game went to double overtime, but they lost.

For anyone who didn’t guess it immediately, here’s the answer to Friday’s crossword clue: Idle socialite, ages out of university, finding way to embrace flower-girl. We’re looking for two six-letter words. The semantic clue was ‘idle socialite.’ The anagrammatic clues were very obscure. Let’s go word by word: “ages” = a LONG time; “out of” = on the outside of; and “university” = U. So, we have to put the two parts of LONG–LO and NG–around the outer edges of the U. That gives LOUNG. The ‘way’ is road whose abbreviation is RD. Those two parts–LOUNG and RD– ‘embrace’ the ‘flower-girl’, which is to say that one is on the left side of her and one is on her right. So now we have LOUNG_  _ _ _ _RD with the flower-girl in between. Who, then, is the flower-girl? Think sixties musicals based on British plays.

Pandemic Diary — January 11 to 17

(Türkce versiyonunu görmek için aşağı kaydırın.)

Monday, January 11   Deaths  1,613 (+8)   New cases  939

The Pandemic Diary tracks Oregon deaths daily and calculates averages for successive ten-day periods. This is the 290th day of tracking. For the period January 1 to January 10 Oregon recorded an average of 12.8 deaths per day, a very slight decrease from the previous period. Here is the latest curve chart.

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Concerning the plague of fascism, Arnold Schwartzenegger has posted a statement concerning events in the nation’s capital. It is very moving and draws upon memories from his early life in post-war Austria. 

Schwartzenegger says that this is America’s Kristalnacht, the night of organized anti-semitic violence that occurred in Germany and Austria in 1938. It seems to M that our recent experience also has things in common with the Beerhall Putsch, the failed Nazi coup attempt that occurred in 1923 in Bavaria. Bad precedents both.

In Corvallis it was another grocery shopping day. Mother of Markets was pretty quiet at eight in the morning, so that was nice. Too bad M forgot some crucial items and had to go back at two in the afternoon. Between the two trips he went to the dentist for a fitting of his implant crown. He found out that the dentist and at least some staff have already had at least a first dose of vaccine. So that was nice. Too bad the assistant who did much of the fitting and spent the most time close to M had declined the vaccine because “I get sick from vaccines.” Hmm. That’s not what M wanted to hear. The correct response from M, of course, was “Oh, that’s too bad. Get another job. I’m leaving.” But M is hardly ever correct, though he does file things away.

E did some critical correspondence in the morning, then after lunch had an hour of Zoom yoga. Later in the afternoon she went with her friend A and A’s dog Pumpkin to hike in the forest. She found yoga and forest walking to be a winning combination. M made some stew for us to pack and take to Bend for tomorrow’s dinner. E made dinner for today. 

We have a reservation for two nights at a resort just outside of Bend, a place that was one of the nicest in the area thirty or forty years ago, so nice that we could rarely afford to stay there. It has been far surpassed since, but it still looks acceptable and is now affordable. 

Bend has some wonderful restaurants and we plan to get take-out for our Wednesday dinner, but we’re taking food with us for all our other meals. It’s a little like camping, but with a complete kitchen. We’ll see how it works out. 

Tuesday, January 12   Deaths  1,667 (+54)   New cases  1,203

Well here we are just outside of Bend Oregon, where we have come to play in the snow. Unfortunately there is no snow, so that may not work out. We’ll go higher up mountain tomorrow and see if we can find some. Tonight we are safely settled into an old rental condo unit in the Seventh Mountain Resort. We’ve just had our evening meal brought from home and we’re fine. The place we’re staying is very much so-so. The kitchen is minimally equipped with a tiny fridge, a tacky little cooktop and a very noisy convention oven / microwave. Of course the unit has been redecorated and repaired many times in its long life. It’s nice enough–spacious, not really shabby anywhere, but a little bit of a hodge-podge. It’s now a Worldmark by Wyndham property and they’re trying hard to push some kind of worldwide time-share and condo scheme. Our check-in was a two step process. First we registered normally at one counter. The friendly woman did everything except give us a key. For that she sent us to another counter where another friendly woman welcomed us again and strongly urged us–for what seemed like hours– to sign up for a sales pitch tomorrow morning, saying we would get a $100 gift card just for attending. Wow! We weren’t real excited by that. Kinda wanted to just get to the room… Anyway, if you like high pressure selling and tired condos, you should definitely come here.

Wednesday, January 13   Deaths  1,708 (+41)   New cases  1,346

Nice sunny day and we did find snow, quite a lot, just twenty miles farther up the road. When we checked the snow surface, we saw that old snow had been rained on and refrozen to an icy crust, then covered with a thin layer of new snow. It promised some fun times on the well-used cross-country ski trails, maybe a little too much fun. We pulled out the snowshoes instead. We ended up going about four and a half miles, which included tromping a few hundred feet upward to the top of a mini-mountain. Here’s what that looked like.


When we got to the top, we were tired. We looked for a place to sit down and have lunch. The place we found had nice décor.


For lunch we had a carrots and celery starter followed by sandwiches and chips. To drink we each had a small can of pineapple juice, chilled on ice at the table. This was followed by hot mocha coffee, a few bites of Swiss chocolate, and a sip of Aberfeldy. Then it was time to strap back in and try to find our way back. 


It was Eve’s night to cook. She got us take-out from Hola, the Peruvian/Mexican place. The interior of the restaurant was off limits, with pick-up taking place at an outside makeshift counter. It felt very safe and the food was excellent. We went to bed early.

Thursday, January 14   Deaths  1,737 (+29)   New cases  1,152

Another sunny morning in Bend. We had our usual tertulia with J and R, who told us about the big storm that struck the Corvallis area just a few hours after we left for Bend. There was lots of rain and a whole lot of wind. Near where E used to live, several homes were cut off when not one but two big fir trees fell across the entrance to their cul-de-sac.

We had a leisurely morning and finally started for home at about 11:30. It was a good day to view the mountain peaks and we stopped at the usual place between Bend and Sisters. 

From left to right: South Sister, Middle Sister and North Sister, all of them old volcanoes. South Sister rises to 10,338 feet and is hikeable to the top.

As we passed through the town of Sisters, we did NOT stop at the Sister’s Bakery. We can’t remember now exactly why we didn’t stop. It might have been because we summoned enough willpower to resist their fatty treats. Or it might have been because they were closed for remodeling. I guess we’ll never know for sure.

When we got home from our trip we found a surprise package on our doorstep. The excitement deepened as E. opened the package to find a bonanza of beautiful cloth bags and masks. Turns out they were a thank you gift from a local seamstress with whom E has shared some stimulus money to compensate for the COVID-induced downturn in business.

Friday, January 15   Deaths  1,758 (+21)   New cases  1,012

COVID rages worse than ever and the whole country is edgy about the inauguration. The only good news today is that Trump’s approval rating did in fact decline after the riots. A miracle. Around our house it was catch up with the chores day. E worked on organizing the pantry cupboard with her new round-n-rounds, then had Zoom yoga, then organized another few hundred photos. M washed and vacuumed the car and swept wind blown tree litter from the patio and driveway. We also went for a morning walk and saw evidence of the storm, at least five big trees down in a nearby neighborhood.

The OHA reports that a total of 146,137 vaccine doses have been administered in Oregon. This includes both first and second doses. We were happy to hear that Andrea got her first dose. She hopes to get her second dose in about thirty days. The OHA also says that a total of 321,425 doses of vaccination have been delivered to Oregon, which means that there are approximately 150,000 doses now available for administration. In recent days the state has been averaging around 12,000 vaccine administrations per day. At this rate, Oregon has only about a 12-day supply. 

Health workers and caregivers of all kinds continue to have first priority. The next priority group would include school teachers, people with chronic illnesses that increase COVID susceptibility, and all people over 65, which would be us. According to one source, vaccinations for the second group could begin as early as January 23. Others say that we should be thinking about April.

E highly recommends a book called Educated by Tara Westover. It’s a memoir about Westover’s childhood and early life. She’s grew up in a survivalist household in eastern Idaho. Her father was a Mormon who had come to believe that the vast majority of Latter Day Saints had been completely corrupted by the devil. Tara Westover and several of her siblings were born at an isolated house in the mountains and their births were not registered. The memoir is essentially the story of her relationships to her parents and brothers and of her struggle to find her way. M is reading it now. Spoiler Alert: Tara has had one tough row to hoe.

Saturday, January 16   Deaths  1,799 (+41)   New cases  1,173

E got up early this morning walked over to Market of Choice to obtain emergency supplies. M stayed home and made coffee. Breakfast was good. Later E went out to the country to walk Pepper and M worked a bit in the garden and then came inside to work on the Turkish version of the PD. Dinner was take-out Italian food. We have enough of it left for another meal. 

Lots of COVID deaths these days, just as Fauci and others had predicted. As measured in terms of deaths per 100,000 residents, the Oregon rate is now 42. Here’s what has been reported for a few other places using that same metric. (World numbers are from the Johns Hopkins. State data is from the Washington Post. We are mindful that these may not be true numbers; true numbers are a dream. These are just the numbers that we have.)

Italy: 135

United Kingdom: 132

United States: 120

Spain: 114

Mexico: 110

Sweden: 101

Switzerland: 101

Brazil:   99

Germany:   55

Canada:   48

Australia:     3.6

Japan:     3.2

New Jersey: 230

New York: 207

Louisiana: 173

Florida: 118

Wyoming:   90

California:   84

Utah:   49

Vermont:   26

Sunday, January 17   Deaths  1,800 (+1)   New cases  799

A lazy morning. The weather is warm, mostly cloudy. The sun, when it’s out, is still far to the south, more than halfway down the sky even at noon. But it warmed us right up when we went for our walk before lunch. 

In the garden there are new shoots starting to poke up–crocuses, hyacinths and daffodils. They’ll be here soon. Right now though, it’s sarcococca time! Sarcococca blooms every year in January, the middle of the winter when there’s nothing else. Its flowers are small and quite unspectacular, but their smell is amazing. We brought a sarcococca from our old house and had the good sense to plant it just beside the front door of our new one. So these days we notice the wonderful smell every time we go in or out. Sarcococca is from the Himalayas, so it conflicts with our current Oregon native plant agenda, but never mind. Moderation in all things.

In the afternoon we talked with E’s brothers on Zoom. Jim is at home in upstate New York while John has ensconced himself in South Carolina where it’s warmer. They seem to be doing well. Alas, our talk was marred again by technical difficulties. E also had a long phone talk with Andrea, who was taking a much deserved day off. We also made a quick run out to B and B’s house to deliver a birthday cake. We wanted to take the little car, but its battery was dead and we were back in the Mazda. Never mind, it was still good to take a drive through the country on this rather nice day.

Later, we plan to watch Part 2 of the new version of All Creatures Great and Small on PBS. E was a little annoyed by Part 1. She has read the original stories several times and she finds that in this production some of her favorite details have been altered or omitted. 

(End of this week’s post. Turkish edition follows.)

Pandemic Günlüğü 11-17 Ocak

pazartesi, 11 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,613 (+8)       yeni vakalar: 939

Pandemi Günlüğü Oregon’daki ölümleri her gün sayıyor. Her on günde bir ortalama hesaplıyoruz. Bu gün 290. gün. İste yeni grafik.

Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 9.49.05 PM.png

Faşizm başka bir beladır. Arnold Schwartzenegger bunun Amerika’nın Kristalnacht’ı olduğunu söylüyor. Mesajı çok güçlü.

Corvallis’te alışveriş günüydü. Süpermarket sabahın erken saatlerinde sessizdi. Sabah E Zoom yoga yaptı. Beğendi. Öğleden sonra ormana gitti. Arkadaşı A ve köpeği Pumpkin ile yürüdü. Daha sonra E bugünün akşam yemeğini ve M yarın akşam yemeğini pişirdi. Neden? Yarın iki günlüğüne Bend’e gidiyoruz.

M on birde implanti üzerinde çalışmak için dişçiye gitti. Ofisteki neredeyse herkesin COVID aşısı olduğunu öğrendi. Sadece bir kişiye aşı yapılmadı. Bu kişi M’un ameliyatı sıasında asistandı. Aşılardan hastalandığımı söyledi. M bunu duymak istemedi. Asistanın farklı bir işe ihtiyacı var.

salı, 12 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,667 (+54)       yeni vakalar: 1,203

Yani şimdi Bend’deyiz. Otelimiz tamam. Çok güzel değil ama pahalı da değil. Karda oynamaya geldik. Maalesef kar yok. Yarın daha yükseğe çıkacağız. 

çarşamba, 13 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,708 (+41)       yeni vakalar: 1,346

Güzel güneşli gün. Yolda yirmi mil ileredikten sonra çok fazla kar bulduk. Kar ayakkabılarını giydik ve küçük bir dağa çıktı. 


Zirveye çıktığımızda yorgunduk. Güzel bir yer bulduk ve öğle yemeği yemek için oturduk. Kar ayakkabılarını çıkardık ve rahatladık. Dekor zarifti. 


Öğle yemeğinde havuç ve kereviz yedik, sonar sandviç ve çips, sonra çikolata ve kahve. Sonra kar ayakkabımızı giyeriz  ve güzel piknik yerimizden ayrıldık.


perşembe, 14 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,737 (+29)       yeni vakalar: 1,152

Bend’de bir başka güneşli sabah. Yaklaşık on bir buçukta ayrıldık. Yolda dağları görmek için durduk. Bunlara Üç Kız Kardeş denir. 


cuma, 15 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,xxx (+29)       yeni vakalar: 1,xxx

COVID durumu çok kötü ve açılıştan herkes endişeli. Tek iyi haber, Trump’ın onay notunun biraz düştüğü. Bir mucize! 

Oregon’da 146.137 COVID aşısı yapıldı. Yaklaşık 150.000 dozumuz kaldı. Bu on iki gün sürecek. Ne zaman daha faslasını alacağımızı.

Educated adlı bir kitapı okuyoruz. Yazar Tara Westover. “Survivalist” bir ailede büyüdü. Hayatı çok zordu. O çok iyi bir yazar. 

cumartesi, 16 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,799 (+41)       yeni vakalar: 1,173

Bugünlerde çok sayıda COVID ölümü. Oregon oranı artık 100.000’de 42. İşte diğer bazı yerlerin numaraları.

İtalya: 135

Birleşik Krallık: 132

ABD: 120

İspanya: 114

Meksika: 110

İsveç: 101

İsviçre: 101

Brezilya: 99

Almanya:   55

Kanada:   48

Avustralya:     3.6

Japonya:     3.2

New Jersey: 230

New York: 207

Louisiana: 173

Florida: 118

Wyoming:   90

California:   84

Utah:   49

Vermont:   26

pazar, 17 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,800 (+1)       yeni vakalar: 799

Bu sabah tembeldik. Hava ılık, kısmen bulutlu ve kısmen güneşli. Güney gökyüzünde güneş alçalıyor, ama sıçaklığını hissedebiliyorduk. 

Bahçede bazı yeni yeshil filizler var–çiğdem, nergis ve sümbül. O çiçekler yakında burada olacak. Ama şimdi sarcococca zamanı! Sarcococa çiçekleri küçüktür ve muhteşem değildir, ama harika bir kokuları var. Evimizin ön kapısının yanında bir sarcococca var. Her dışarı çıktığımızda kokusunu alabiliyoruz. Çok hoş.

Öğleden sonra Zoom’dan Eve’in kardeşleriyle konuştuk. Ağabeyi New York’te, küçuk erkek kardeşi Güney Carolina’da. Onlar iyiler. 

Bu akşam PBS’de Büyük ve Küçük Tüm Yaratıklar’ın 2.Bölümünü izleyeceğiz. E kitaplar sevdi ama bu TV programından emin değil.

Pandemic Diary — January 4 to 10

Monday, January 4   Deaths  1,506 (+6)   New cases  728

The Oregon Health Authority reports that 190,500 doses of vaccine have been delivered to Oregon sites and that 51,275 doses of vaccine have been administered. The most recent daily report shows 5,550 doses administered–5,542 first doses and 8 second doses.

Another grocery shopping day for M and E. M went again to WINCO and Eve filled out an online order with the Co-op. M failed to find any frosted animal-shaped cookies, but otherwise it went okay. Fedex delivered a pair of new shoes for M. He’s afraid to try them on.

Tuesday, January 5   Deaths  1,550 (+44)   New cases  1,059

We went hiking today just west of Corvallis in the foothills of the Coast Range. The trail climbed steeply up Cardwell Hill, giving us this view of the Mary’s River, which is running high these days. 


The trees in the foreground are Oregon White Oaks, Quercas garryana, also called Garry Oaks. White oaks don’t make much of a show in the fall; their leaves just turn medium brown, as can be seen in the upper left above. In winter, however, the trees are quite striking. The light grayish green color is due to a horde of lichen species that cover all their smaller limbs and branches. On a typical dark winter’s day they have a spectral brightness.

White oaks prefer drier soils, so they generally grow on hillsides and plains, where they compete with Douglas Fir. In this competition the fir trees have decided advantages. Fir grow much faster than oak and also grow taller, depriving nearby oaks of sunlight. In the last two hundred years we’ve seen many places where oak forests are steadily shrinking before the relentless advance of the firs. But how did oaks ever compete at all? Why do reports from naturalist David Douglas, who came here 200 years ago, mention seeing vast areas of oak savannah, much more than we see now? The answer, so we are told, is fire. Oaks are more resistant to fire. For thousands of years, as the story goes, the people who lived in these low altitude forests deliberately set fires in order to beat back the fir forest and expand the oak savannah. (In terms of human food value, oak savannah is many times more productive than fir forest.) The coming of the Europeans, however, changed all this. No more fires were set and naturally occurring fires were actively suppressed. The oaks lost their main competitive advantage and began to decline.  

This photo shows a fir forest that is expanding downslope, gradually replacing the oak savannah. below. 

During the thousands of years when oak savannah was prevalent, many species adapted to it. As the savannah declines, those species suffer. But they’re not all gone. We’re not birders, but we think that this here photo contains a genuine Acorn Woodpecker on the side of a genuine oak.


Once we got to the top of the hill, the path descended gently and eventually looped back down toward the river. 

Wednesday, January 6   Deaths  1,558 (+8)   New cases  764

Unquestionably an historic day. First, it appears that Democratic candidates have won both Georgia senate seats. Second, rioters incited by Trump stormed and for a time occupied the Capitol Building before being cleared by police using tear gas, a shameful and traumatic event for the nation. Many Republicans, including McConnell and Pence, have finally broken with the President, but others remain fully supportive. 

It was a cold wet day around here and we spent most of our time indoors. E worked on her photo project. She has had many hundreds of her old photos digitized–about 16 gigabytes–and has been working on giving descriptive file names to a large group of individual photos. By day’s end she was almost finished with this phase. Next, she intends to get some thumb drives and make two copies, one for backup and one to give to Andrea. 

M spent the day mostly on the computer and got excited by an article in New York magazine that addresses the question of the origin of the COVID19 virus. The article, titled “The Lab-Leak Hypothesis,” was written by Nicholson Baker and is available online here. It’s long, but it’s interesting. The main origin question is whether the virus occurred naturally or was created by scientists in a lab. Baker emphasizes that the question is not really answerable at this point. But after doing his research, he does have an opinion. The article opens with this:

What happened was fairly simple, I’ve come to believe. It was an accident. A virus spent some time in a laboratory, and eventually it got out.

The article goes on to provide background about virology and virology research over the past ten years. Although there are some controversial issues around this subject, there are are also some facts that Baker says are not in dispute. 

One of these is that ever since the SARS and MERS epidemics in the early years of this century, large amounts of money have been devoted to virus research, much of it from the US government. The funding went to various researchers in the U.S., but U.S. money also ended up supporting virology work abroad. At a certain point the money flow was reduced on the grounds that some of the research was itself highly dangerous to public health, but this period of concern did not last and the flow soon resumed. 

One avenue of virus research, which has been generously funded, involves the process of taking a naturally occurring Corona virus, one that is not particularly dangerous to humans, and genetically modifying it in ways that make it very dangerous to humans. Hundreds of these new and very infectious viruses have been created and stored in laboratory freezers. The rationale for making them is that they would provide knowledge about how to quickly create vaccines for the next natural virus that jumped from animals to humans. 

It is widely agreed that the natural virus that the COVID19 virus most resembles is called RaTG13. The key difference between the two is that the COVID19 virus has the ability to find and break into human lung cells while RaTG13 does not. Scientists have also been able to find the specific structures within the COVID19 virus that give it this ability. And almost all virologists agree that it is possible that an RaTG13 virus gained these structures by natural mutation, thus creating COVID19. But the structures in question are complicated and for them to have originated naturally would have taken more than one mutation. So that’s slightly iffy. On the other hand, the idea that a scientist could add such structures to a virus is not iffy at all. Any sufficiently proficient virologist could do it. It’s what we’ve been paying them to do for at least the last ten years. 

Anyway, it’s a great article. I’ve summarized only the driest parts. If you haven’t already seen this article, the juicier parts still await you. 

Thursday, January 7  Deaths  1,568 (+10)   New cases  867

We had FaceTime tertulia with J and R and found that we had all been somewhat heartened by a brilliantly colored sunrise. We learned that J and R are soon to celebrate their 50th anniversary. E and M were suitably impressed, though E pointed out that she too has been married for almost exactly 50 years. It’s just that it took her two husbands to get there. (M and E are looking ahead to their 25th this year.)

E went to Office Depot and got her thumb drives, transferred her most recent 500 files, then packed and mailed one of the drives to Andrea. Only this last batch have been processed to give each photo a searchable and descriptive file name. The previous 900 are organized into folders with descriptive names, but have not been individually named. That, she says, will be the next phase of her work. After that, her plan is to continue on with one more box of albums, which she estimates will yield another 500 photos. All this is connected to her main project, which is to radically reorganize the storage space in our garage in order to make space for a bicycle! 

Taking advantage of the sunny day, we took a longer than usual walk, venturing outside our immediate neighborhood. After that M stayed outside and took down the remaining Christmas lights. This allowed him to return all the Xmas boxes to their places and generally tidy up the garage. Did we mention that it has been raining quite a lot lately? M found this out when he was trying to use a small ladder to reach up to unhook some lights. At one point, when he started up the ladder, its legs sank eight inches into the muddy ground, which left him four inches short of what he needed to reach. Christmas is hard. 

Friday, January 8   Deaths  1,575 (+7)   New cases  1,755

What started out as a dull, listless sort of day brightened up considerably in the late afternoon when E took a moment from her garage organizing labors to check the mail. M heard her cries of delight even from deep inside the house. Our care package from the Switzerland had finally arrived.  


Because we are civilized folk, we waited until after dinner to open the package. Before commencing on the chocolate itself, we read the card and letter. Our friends have three children and several grandchildren, all of whom usually come home for Christmas, but this year, like many of us, the grandparents found themselves dining alone at the holidays. Apparently schools and restaurants are both open in Switzerland, but the latter close at 7:00 and multi-family gatherings are severely restricted. We can say with confidence, however, that the quality of Swiss dark chocolate remains high–very high. 

We were also pleased yesterday to receive our copy of The Book of Ruthie, a volume of Eve’s mother’s writings and watercolor paintings that have been collected and made into a book by Ruth’s younger sister and last surviving sibling. It’s very well done and includes a fine preface by Son John, who also handled distribution. 

And, on a much more trivial note, M was pleased today to receive word that a digital version of his Yemen VHS videotape was ready for him to download. (This was supposed to happen a couple of months ago, but on that occasion the files that he was instructed to download were not of Yemen at all but rather from some kind of beauty pageant in Minnesota. So the whole thing had to start over.) Today M finally got what he had paid for, but he was even more delighted by the fact that besides his Yemen footage his download included a special bonus–additional video from Minnesota! In this one, he was able to identify the name of the pageant: the state finals for the title of Mrs. Minnesota America, probably from 1999 or 2000. Looks like quite an event.

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Here’s a screen shot of some of the attendees at a reception at Cafe Odyssey in the Mall of America. 
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M also received footage of the contestants rehearsing for the big dance number. 

The logo for the Mrs. America pageant, by the way, is a drawing of an angel posed in a modestly high-walled clawfoot bathtub painted the colors of the U.S. flag. Pretty cool. If you think we made this up, try googling it. One easy way to do that is to type this phrase into your search box:   4 days left to save $200 on Mrs. Texas  Then click on Images.

Saturday, January 9   Deaths  1,603 (+28)   New cases  1,643

After breakfast E went out to the country to take Pepper for a walk and on her way home stopped at the fabric store to buy some elastic. Remember when everyone was trying to make masks and  there was no elastic anywhere to be found? E says that judging from this fabric store, that shortage is over. E spent several happy hours making alterations to her new pajamas that she had not been able to try on in the store. She is pleased with the results. M spent a few hours reading The River Why and then did some Turkish work. Dinner was take-out chile rellenos from El Palenque. After dinner we watched two episodes of Love is in the Air (Yer Gök Aşk), a Turkish series first shown in 2010. It’s very different from some of the more recent series that we have watched.

Sunday, January 10   Deaths  1,605 (+2)   New cases  1,225

The number of vaccinations in Oregon is getting close to 100,000. That’s nice, but we still have a long way to go. A letter in the paper today had a rant about how poorly this was being managed; the writer had never seen anything so badly bungled. Didn’t mention any specifics though, and didn’t make any suggestions.

But we had homemade chocolate chip scones for breakfast! (Also for a part of M’s lunch.) Wonderful. Later we went for a walk up to our little 13th Street natural area. We both wore new shoes and got them a little muddy. Yes, life goes on. A damp, misty day, but not really raining. 

Later on M finished his Turkish version of last week’s post to the Pandemic Diary and appended it to the bottom of the English one. It’s a sort of primary school version of the real thing. We don’t know why he’s doing it; he said it was either that or watch more YouTube videos. We also spent time today planning a trip to Bend to stay in a nice hotel and have another picnic in the snow.

Pandemic Diary — December 28 to January 3

(Türkce versiyonunu görmek için aşağı kaydırın.)

Monday, December 28   Deaths  1,433 (+6)   New cases  865

COVID deaths in Oregon have dropped somewhat in the last few days. Is this the end of the Thanksgiving surge? Will mid-January bring us a Christmas surge? 

Cold overnight but sunny today. M got groceries at WINCO early. The store was almost empty. Then came a walk in the forest with guest dog Pepper, followed by some garden work. At 2:00 E had a meeting with her HEPAJ group. The group meets in an open garage. While she was there the Co-op called to say that her grocery order was ready, so she picked it up directly after the meeting. While she was gone, M stayed with the dog and watched Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom on Netflix. Quite a show. A powerful story with good performances by Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman.

Tuesday, December 29   Deaths  1,449 (+16)   New cases  713

Another cold clear day. We took Pepper on another long walk, up the hill to the top of Garryana. He loved it. M spent a couple of hours rebuilding our very modest smart home network. It consists of just one Homepod and one smart outlet, but both had gone haywire, resulting in Siri refusing to turn on the Christmas lights. M had to reset both the HomePod and the smart outlet, which is lot like unplugging something and plugging it back in, only with a lot more steps. Ridiculous. For dinner M made stir fry vegetables and rice with cranberry sauce on the side for color. 

Wednesday, December 30   Deaths  1,468 (+19)   New cases  1,052

A normal winter day, sorta cold, sorta wet, the kind of weather that’s unpleasant but is not really trying to kill you. We took Pepper up to the Chip Ross Natural Area. Four thousand steps and twelve stories up and down, said E’s smartwatch. A few years ago the country parks department went through and took down the fir trees. They also removed blackberry and other invasive undergrowth, leaving just the the native oaks and a few native madrones, making it a kind of savannah. In the winter the oaks are bare of course and on a wet day they’re all stark and colorless. With a grey sky, grey branches, faded grass, and the dark gravel trail, it seemed as if the scene had been filmed in black and white. But whenever we passed by a stand of young madrone, the world was colorized again. They’re bursting with health this time of year, showing off their deep green waxy leaves and red branches. They say the madrone population is declining in the Northwest, but the ones we saw today looked fine.

Thursday, December 31   Deaths  1,477 (+9)   New cases  1,682

It’s the 280th day of record keeping here at Pandemic Diary and time to update the chart. After forty days of record breaking increases, the number of reported Oregon daily COVID deaths has finally declined, falling from 21 deaths per day to just 13. 

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We had a kind of hectic New Years Eve. We started the day off with tertulia to check in with J and R. They are doing well and their cat is less radioactive every day. It was eight in the morning when we talked to them, but they had already received New Year’s greeting from folks in Australia where the new year had already begun. After that we straightened up the place and packed up our guest dog’s things so that he could be picked up at 11:30. Once Pepper had departed, E was downcast, partly because she missed him already and partly because he had seemed so excited to leave. She started thinking maybe she hadn’t given him enough treats. Nor had she allowed the dog onto the furniture. Plus she had made him take long walks up steep hills. He must have thought he was in boot camp. (But in fact he loves E dearly and very likely misses her too, if M is any judge.)

After that trauma we ventured out, first to get gas for the car, then to the liquor store to get a pint of Southern Comfort. (Why, you might ask, would we do that? More later.) The first liquor store we tried was jammed with young people. The store was limiting the number of customers who could come into the aisles, which was good, but the people who were waiting were merely mobbing together just inside the doorway. Someone was a little unclear on the concept. So off we went to another store where things were easier. Then it was lunchtime. We got sandwiches from the Vietnamese Baguette downtown and ate them in the car parked by the river. 

After that we drove down to Finley Refuge. On the way, E checked in with brother John, who has finally left the north woods was just then arriving in Virginia, on his way to South Carolina, where he intends to spend the coldest part of winter. After a walk in the refuge–where the water levels are pretty high in the ponds and wetlands–we headed back to town and got a couple of lattes to reward ourselves. We saw a very shiny gold Mustang GT in the Coffee Culture parking lot. It was awesome, paint so bright it actually looked like gold. Who knows, maybe it was. 

Then it was time for E’s New Year’s Eve Zoom with S and Mrs. H. M found a Happy New Year Zoom background while E fixed drinks–Southern Comfort Manhattans. This cocktail had been suggested by S to commemorate the days of yore. There was a time, it is said, when the three friends frequently made a meal of SC Manhattans and pizza. M was not acquainted with this dissolute trio at that time. He remembers just one Southern Comfort occasion in his life, an overdose which occurred roughly 55 years ago and which had caused him to avoid that particular beverage ever since.

The meeting, 4:00 to 5:00 Pacific time, 7:00 to 8:00 in the East, was fun for all. No one managed to recreate the storied meal exactly. Mrs. H got a lot of points having dined  this very day on Hart’s pizza–their old favorite. She paired it with some mere wine she had around, but still edged out S, who had a BLT made with veggie bacon and brought a martini to the Zoom party. E hadn’t yet eaten but was looking to have a veggie hot dog with beans both baked and green. No points there. She got significant credit for her Southern Comfort and vermouth but was compelled to confess that it contained no cherry.

After the meeting, M and E had their dinner and then moved on to the next event: a jigsaw puzzle and a bottle of champagne. The puzzle was a present from the Andees, a picture of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Waters house in Pennsylvania. It had only five hundred pieces and would have been fairly easy except that it had an awful lot of green. 


New Year’s Eve is the only night in the year that we are still awake at midnight. Accomplishing this requires both extraordinary motivation and extraordinary fuel. Things worked out pretty well this time. Year 2020 ended with the puzzle lacking only its last 15 pieces and the champagne supply nearly exhausted.

Friday, January 1   Deaths  1,490 (+13)   New cases  1,446

E dreamed last night that we were eating our Christmas tree. So far, the dream has not turned out to be prophecy and our tree is still intact. Instead, E made her New Year’s scalloped potatoes. For many years she has made them to take to the traditional New Year’d Day black-eyed peas gala at A’s house out in the wilds of King’s Valley. There’s no gala this year, but she made the potatoes anyway and decided to take half a pan out to A so as to have a least a socially distanced outdoor chat. We sheltered under the porch roof and had a nice talk, though we had to shout just a little to be heard above a host of very vocal red winged blackbirds. A is an EMT and has learned that she will be getting the COVID19 vaccine next week. She reports that more than 40,000 doses have been administered in Oregon so far. 

Our the way home took us along Tampico Road on the edge of Dunn Forest, so we stopped for a short hike at Road 400, a route we had never explored. Being graveled, logging roads are a nice place to hike on these days of continual intermittent rain. By the time we got back to our car the daylight portion of January 1 was close to ending. Once home, we had our potatoes along with some of A’s black-eyed peas, watched some TV, and went to bed early.

Saturday, January 2   Deaths  1,492 (+2)   New cases  1,010

It was another dark and rainy day, but despite the weather E attended an outdoor retirement party. The time has come for our friend J, youngster that she is, to finally part ways with OSU and cast her lot with PERS. A group of her friends, organized by the indomitable MS, all met up at J’s house to sing her a congratulatory song composed just for the occasion by the Pointless Sisters. The masked performers spaced themselves many feet apart in the front yard. E reports that she kept well back and did not sing. She did, however, hold up a cardboard sign that said Happy Retirement in large letters and provided a gift of a new hiking guide. J accepted this homage while standing on her front porch. When the song was done, J made a brief speech of thanks, and the event concluded.

M, meanwhile, stayed at home and watched an old detective movie called Too Late on Prime. The movie stars John Hawkes, a wonderful actor that he had never seen before and who is–I think we can agree–not conventionally handsome. The movie isn’t conventionally handsome either. It is off kilter–way off kilter–and yet very good, sweet at heart if nowhere else. 

For dinner we treated ourselves to take-out from Sybaris, crab/shrimp Louie for E, chicken tikka masala for M, and key lime pie to share for dessert. Pick up required a long drive over to Albany in the dark and the rain, but it was worth it. After dinner we watched the final two episodes of Bridgerton. That long drama is also sweet at heart–I guess. As for being conventionally handsome (and conventionally ridiculous), it pretty much nails those.

Sunday, January 3   Deaths  1,500 (+8)   New cases  1,421

A nice morning, mostly sunny. It was warm too, around 50. We went for a walk in the neighborhood and found lots of like-minded others. We dodged them all. After that we started dismantling Christmas, first the lights in the back of the house and then the tree. E picked out some décor items that we don’t really need. She put them in a vintage, Christmas-themed, plastic shopping bag from AlphaOmega in Nicosia and set them aside to be donated next October. She’s an optimist. We haven’t yet removed the big light string from the front of the house. Best not to end all the cheer just yet. 

Today’s paper noted the death of Dawn Wells, who played Maryann on Gilligan’s Island. This reminded M that E has never seen Gilligan’s Island, not ever, and has no clue who any of the characters might be. M long ago decided not to be too concerned about this fact, as she seems otherwise fairly normal.

After dinner we watched Alfred Hitchcock’s Torn Curtain starring Paul Newman and Julie Andrews. The film is set in East Germany during the Cold War era and it is terrible. It’s so bad that we both burst out laughing several times and eventually wondered if we wanted to even finish it. There’s a scene where the two stars walk together up what is supposed to look like a little hill on a university campus in Leipzig. If this little hill set had been created by a class of fifth graders, their parents would surely have been proud. But in the context of a major Hollywood production…we can only hope that the set designer insisted on a pseudonym in the credits. The movie does have some good moments, but basically the story is preposterous and it all moves so slowly that you have plenty of time to notice just how dumb it is. Not one of Hitchcock’s best. 

Pandemi Günlüğü   28 aralık – 3 ocak

pazartesi, 28 aralık Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,433 (+6)       yeni vakalar: 865

Dün gece soğuk ama bu gün güneşli. M WINCO’den bakkaliye aldı. Sabah erken gitti çünkü dükkanlar kalabalık değil. Alışverişten sonra misafirimizle ormanda yürüduk. Ziyaretçimiz bir köpek. Onun adı Pepper. E bir grup arkadaşıyla saat 2:00’de buluştu. Guvenlik için açık bir garajda buluştular. M Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom adlı film izledi. Viola Davis ve Chadwick Boseman filmde. Güçlu bir hikaye.

salı, 29 aralık Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,449 (+16)       yeni vakalar: 713

Soğuk bir gün. Pepper ile uzun bir yürüyüş daha yaptık. M daha sonra akşam yemeği pişirdi: asya sebzeleri ve pilav.

çarşamba, 30 aralık Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,468 (+19)       yeni vakalar: 1,052

Normal bir gün. Biraz soğuk, biraz yağmurlu, fena değil. Chip Ross Natural Area’da yürüdük. Meşe ağaçları ve madrone ağaçları gördük. Meşeler çıplak ve renksizdi. Madronelar çok farklıydı. Bu havayı seviyorlar. Derin yeşil yaprakları ve kırmızı dalları çok güzel. 

perşembe, 31 aralık Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,477 (+9)       yeni vakalar: 1,682

Oregon’daki günlük ölümler biraz azaldı. Bu iyi bir haber çünkü son 40 gün çok kötüydü. İşte yeni grafik. 

Yeni yıl arifesi çok meşguldü. Zoom üzerinde J ve R ile konuştuk. Onlar iyiler. Avustralya’da ailerleri var ve orada yeni yıllar vardı. Sonra Pepper’in eşyalarını topladık. Arkadaşı onu almak için 11:30’te geldi. E köpekleri seviyor ve üzgündü. Öğle yemeğinden sonra Finley Refuge’te yürüdük ve sonra kahve içtik. 

Saat 4:00’te Eve’nin arkadaşlariyla konuştuk. New York’ta yaşiyorlar. Zoom kullandik ve bir saat konuştuk. Genç oldukları zaman hakkında konuştular. Eski zamanlarda en sevdikleri yemek Manhattan kokteylleri ve pizzaydı. Tsk-tsk.

Yemekten sonra yapboz yaptık ve şampanya icidik. Gece yarısına kadar kaldık. İnanılmaz!


cuma, 1 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,490 (+13)       yeni vakalar: 1,446

Öğleden sonra arkadaşımız April ziyarete gittik. (April Türkce nisan.) Evinin dışında biraz konuştuk. O bir EMT ve bir itfaiyeci. Yanında bir COVID aşisı olacak. Oregon’da 40.000 aşı yapıldığını söylüyor. 

cumartesi, 2 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,492 (+9)       yeni vakalar: 1,010

Başka bir soğuk ve yağmurlu gün. M Too Late (Çok Ğeç) adlı eski bir dedektif filmini izledi. John Hawkes ana oyuncuydu. O çok ilginç ve film çok güzel.

pazar, 3 ocak Oregon’daki ölümler: 1,500 (+8)       yeni vakalar: 1,421

Sabah güzel, sıcak ve güneşli. Mahallemizde yürüdük ve başka birçok insan gördük. Bugünün gazetesinden Dawn Wells’in öldüğünü biliyoruz. O Gilligan’s Island adlı bir programdan unlu oldu. Amerika’da neredyse herkes Gilligans Island hatırlar. Sadece bir insan hatırlamıyor çünkü onu hiç görmedi. O kişi Eve. Gerçekten. 

Pandemic Diary — December 21 to 27

Monday, December 21   Deaths  1,347 (+6)   New cases  846

It’s the 270th day of Pandemic Diary record keeping, time for another chart update.

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The number of deaths per day in the most recent 10-day period it was 21.1. The trend is still upward, but the increase is noticeably less steep than it was in the previous thirty days. In terms of COVID deaths per 100,000 residents, Oregon’s rate is now 31.3.

Tuesday, December 22   Deaths  1,382 (+35)   New cases  1,282

We packed a lunch and went up into the Cascades today. We didn’t know exactly what we would find, so we thought of it as a hike and/or a snowshoe walk, which is pretty much what it turned out to be. We went to a place called Lost Prairie, which is just the other side of Tombstone Pass. It’s closer to us than other sites, but generally has less snow than the really good places, especially this early in the season. For that reason we hadn’t been there in years. 

One nice thing about Lost Prairie is that there is a rushing creek with a good bridge. From there we saw a bit of blue sky as we were hiking in. It didn’t last.

There was enough snow to make us glad we’d brought the snowshoes, but there were a few places where they didn’t help at all. Note the blue trail sign that cheerfully beckons us on. This whole area was full of interconnected ponds. Finding a detour took half an hour.

Another nice thing was that there was no one on the trail but us. 


A highlight of the hike was this little out-of-the-way café we found. We dined on turkey sandwiches, chips and juice, followed by hot coffee, a bit of chocolate and a small scotch poured over very small rocks. To lend atmosphere, a light snow came and went during our meal. During our first course it came down in tiny dry grains, a bit like hail. Later on we got small delicate flakes. Not a hint of wind, which helped keep us comfortable. 

Wednesday, December 23   Deaths  1,403 (+21)   New cases  1,000

We had our Turkish lesson today (Christmas Eve Eve) and reviewed what in English would be called gerunds and infinitives in before/after clauses.  The teach gave this example: “After learning grammar, understanding is easy.” “Dilbilgisini oğrendikten sonra anlamak kolay.” I know it sounds like teacher propaganda, but it’s more or less true. Even people who hate and fear grammar and who are convinced that their grammar is terrible–even those people–have in fact learned all of the really important grammar points if only through natural absorption, which they didn’t notice at the time. 

We got another Christmas card with a short letter. Toward the end of the letter our correspondent noted that 

My cat, Bootsy, went to Kitty Heaven last March. 11 years old. He bit  R really bad, tore skin off of wrist and arm. R feared him. Also nipped at 2 friends who were trying to play with him. I miss him, but it was necessary. 

No boasting about great trips and awesome accomplishments, and yet this writer never whines or complains either. A national treasure.

Speaking of treasures, E made chocolate peanut butter squares. She makes them just like chocolate peanut butter balls except that she doesn’t waste time making the silly shapes. Just whips ‘em right up in time for dinner. Yum.

Thursday, December 24   Deaths  1,415 (+12)   New cases  871

Last minute trip to the grocery store to pick up salmon, etc. Yuck. Busy. E went to visit with PF in the afternoon. They sat outside for a bit. P seems to be doing well. M checked air pressure in the tires on the car that we don’t use. Right rear was low, just as the dash warning claimed. Then it was time to make pecan pie. M made a crust, E made the filling, leaving M to monitor doneness. It looks pretty good. M’s night to make dinner: fondue, french bread and a green salad. After dinner we tried to watch the new Dolly Parton movie. Sigh. Good message, but too much singing of too sappy lyrics. 

Friday, December 25   Deaths  1,422 (+7)   New cases  908

Christmas itself is upon us. We breakfasted on scrambled eggs paired with a raspberry coffeecake. And of course we had stockings and presents. E got a couple of maple sugar snowmen and M got a Lego Ferrari. At elevenish we set off for Salem where we met up with the Andees at K and J’s house to exchange presents with them. C and her new beau were also there. They all came out to meet us and we talked for bit in the front yard. It was wonderful to see all of them. M noted later that there was a strong Becca thread running through the gathering–a mother, a sister, and two good friends. After our visit, we took the freeway south and stopped at the Ankeny Wildlife Refuge to walk through the ash wetland. We wondered if it would be crowded or not. (Christmas is national bird counting day.) But as it happened, we had the place all to ourselves–possibly because it was raining and the temperature was around 37 degrees. We walked to the end of the boardwalk and back–at a fairly brisk pace–and then ate our lunch in the car with the heater on. Nice.

Ash trees hosting ferns.

The blind hosts a few ferns as well.

No birds wanted their picture taken, but we heard and saw hundreds. (Also heard gunshots from just west of the refuge boundary.)

Back at home E had a phone call with her brothers and a little later we did a Zoom meeting with the Andees to watch each other open presents. This was followed by a light but very delicious champagne and salmon dinner followed by a very delicious not so light serving of pecan pie. 

Also today, the OHA reported that a total of 17,130 Oregonians have received COVID-19 first vaccinations, all of them hospital workers or people in long-term care facilities. 

OHA also reports daily test numbers and daily new cases confirmed. Results for the past seven days are shown below.

Daily testsDaily new casesRate
Saturday 12/1921,7081,5427.10%
Sunday 12/2017,4261,1536.62%
Monday 12/2117,5068464.83%
Tuesday 12/2218,9931,2826.75%
Wednesday 12/2326,4591,0003.78%
Thursday 12/2419,5868714.45%
Friday 12/2525,8929083.51%
weekly average21,0811,0865.29%

Saturday, December 26   Deaths  1,422 (+0)   New cases  612

A quiet day on several fronts. No COVID deaths reported, which is a nice Christmas gift. One thing we have to say about this Pandemic Diary idea, it does get depressing when the news is bad. So let’s celebrate for just a moment.

We’re mostly just cleaning up and resting, though E is still doing Christmas related correspondence both on paper and via the great web.

Sunday, December 27   Deaths  1,427 (+5)   New cases  1,416

A sunny day drew M out to work in the yard. The temperature was in the low forties, good conditions for sod turning. E got the house ready for another visit from Pepper, whose owner is going in tomorrow for her second cataract surgery. Then at 3:00 we had a Zoom call with Jim and John, with the Andees dropping in as well. Technical difficulties delayed the start of the meeting slightly, but by 3:40 we were doing pretty good… We ended at 4:00 so as to give E time to go out to the country and pick up the dog before it got dark.

Pandemic Diary — December 14-20

Monday, December 14   Deaths  1,161 (+35)   New cases  1,180

M went shopping at Market of Choice while Eve waited for word from the Co-op about when her order would be ready. Before lunch we took Pepper for a longish walk in the forest, something he doesn’t often get to do. He was happy on the trail and mostly quiet at home all afternoon. 

We’re both working on homework for the Turkish class. There’s a lot to look at this week, including everyday vocabulary like seasons, months, days of the weeks, colors, numbers, and household items. All very useful. In case anyone is curious: Bugün ondört aralık pazartesi. (Today is Monday the fourteenth of December and the days of the week and the names of months are not capitalized in Turkish–I think.)

Eve’s grocery order was ready by around three in the afternoon. She paid over the phone, including the $5 service fee and then went over to the shop to pick it up.

Tuesday, December 15   Deaths  1,214 (+54)   New cases  1,129

A very high number of deaths reported today, but the Oregon Health Authority reports that this is partly due to the fact that there was a sizable backlog of death certificates that needed final processing by the CDC before the results could be announced. The backlog was cleared today.

Speaking of the pandemic, it seems that the Post Office has issued some COVID-19 commemoratives just in time for the holiday season. E got this sheet today when she asked for international forever stamps. 


Wednesday, December 16   Deaths  1,262 (+48)   New cases  1,562

An eventful morning for E, who had to prepare breakfast for both herself and our guest and also take the guest for a walk, all of this before 9:00 when our Zoom Turkish lesson started. M helped by making breakfast for himself and enough coffee for two, but was otherwise mostly useless all day. Pepper was picked up by another member of the care team before lunch, which left us once again dogless–and ready to relax a little. But E went right to work on some Christmas letters and cookie making. 

Rainy, cold, and dark today, typical December. In Turkish today we practiced adjective clauses by saying things like “Is August the month you like the best?” and “No, August is the month I hate the most.” In theory, then, we should be able to say something like “What’s the name of the president that you liked so much?” Actually that pushing things a bit, but let’s try anyway. How about this: O çok sevdiğin başkanın adı ne? (Literally, “He much that you like president’s name what is?) For the grammarians among you, one interesting thing here is that the verb in the clause is not marked for tense as it would be in English. Also, in English, the use of “that” as a clause marker is optional in this kind of clause, whereas in Turkish the “diği” part is required.

And speaking of things that people like or don’t like, we got a card yesterday that included a Christmas letter. Here are the first few lines of the letter:

2020, what a dismal year. China virus, grandchildren not in school, extra-curricular sports cancelled or very limited, shelter in place, travel bans, quarantines, unnecessary political investigations, a vindictive impeachment process, and the radical left will be in the White House.

So yeah, it’s been that kind of year. 

It strikes us that this letter could serve as a template. For that to work, we could just blank out a few words here and there and then people could fill in the blanks according to personal preference:

2020, what a dismal year. _____________ virus, grandchildren not in school, extra-curricular sports cancelled or very limited, shelter in place, travel bans, quarantines, ______________ investigations, a _______________ impeachment process, and the __________________ in the White House.

Thursday, December 17   Deaths  1,2830 (+21)   New cases  1,339

Tertulia today with R and J. We compared notes about Christmas dinner plans. We’re all of us thinking of salmon. J is going to bake hers in phyllo dough with rice and kale. She plans to make a lot so as to have some to share with her kids and their families who all live here in town. Our plans are not fixed, but I suspect our salmon will be simpler. 

We drove over to the coast today, a lovely hour or so featuring periods of bright sun with lots of clouds and showers in between. We stopped in Newport for a coffee and then went south to Ona Beach. We walked across the bridge and onto the wide, flat beach that was littered with foam. It was windy and cold out there, but it was nice to see the far horizon away beyond the chaotic breakers. Just a few minutes after we turned back toward the parking lot, the rains came. We stayed comfortable in our hooded coats with the wind at our backs. When we arrived back in Corvallis a little after 4:30, it was already early evening. It made us remember that the winter solstice is not so far away.

Friday, December 18   Deaths  1,304 (+21)   New cases  1,390

The sun is low on the horizon these days, but at least it was shining today all morning and into the afternoon. That was long enough to dry off our outdoor table–the last thing left for us to winterize. We’re leaving it out again this year, so it just needed to be covered. M gave it two layers, inner green and outer beige. The only question now is how soon they will blow loose. As if on cue, the rain came back strong in the early evening. The table was fine, but we got kind of wet on our before dinner walk.

Saturday, December 19   Deaths  1,340 (+36)   New cases  1,542

More rain is expected today and tomorrow, lots of it apparently, as we’ve been getting flood warnings. They expect the rivers to rise. Well, that happens a lot here this time of year.

We’ve been planning for Christmas. Looks like we’ll see the Andees at least briefly to exchange gifts and greetings on Christmas day. Before that we’re hoping to get in a snowshoe trip on Monday or Tuesday. And we have been thinking, just a little, now and again, about food: salmon, coffee cake, chocolate pecan pie, things like that. Dinner today is take-out from Ba’s Vietnamese, large portions that we can stretch to make two meals.

COVID vaccine is now being administered to local health care workers. There is some confusion about how many doses will be available and how soon, but at least it has begun. The bad news is that the death rate is higher than ever and still growing. Oregon marked its 1,000th COVID death on December 4, about nine months after the pandemic began. Since then there have been 340 additional deaths in just 15 days. 

Sunday, December 20  Deaths  1,341 (+1)   New cases  1,153

We made an emergency trip to the grocery store this morning. Just had to buy some jam for cookie making. Was this really essential? Hard to say. It was relatively quick and painless. We walked over to MofC, then E went in while M hung around outside sheltering from the rain in the doorway of frozen yogurt place, which happened to be closed. Lots of rain these days with temps pushing 50. 

E organized a Zoom birthday celebration in the early afternoon. Beside the two of us and Andrea, guests included our old friend Helen as well as her daughter and her son, his partner, and one of Helen’s grandchildren. It was fun to catch up with this group and see how everyone is doing. Three different members of this crowd have birthdays in December, hence the need for a celebration. Eve prepared a three-candled birthday cake–which resembled half a bagel– and we all sang Happy Birthday. 

Once that was done, E got right into cookie making. M did a little email, a little Merleau-Ponty, and a little sampling of cookie dough. Dinner comes from the freezer today–leftovers from Thanksgiving.